[RELEASE] Radio Add-on (rad.io, radio.de, radio.fr, radio.pt, radio.es) Music Plugin
(2021-03-27, 15:08)toggoboge Wrote: FYI, I've reported the issue with the URLs served up by api.radio.de to radio.de via their website.

On Monday, I received a nice reply from radio.de indicating that they were working on a fix. Right now on Friday evening, the problem with BBC stations is still happening - I see the following (on Linux):
~ @comte$ wget --no-http-keep-alive --user-agent "XBMC Addon Radio" -O - http://api.radio.de/info/v2/search/stati...tion=11932 2> /dev/null | python -m json.tool | grep '"streamUrl"'
            "streamUrl": "http://bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_6music_mf_p",
I want to listen to the BBC this weekend, so I went ahead and edited the Radio plugin's config file by hand. I'm now listening to BBC Radio 6 Music again using Kodi. The following is what worked for me on Linux. If you're on some other system, you'll possibly have to tweak this.

1. Using the Radio plugin interface in Kodi, add the desired BBC stations to My Stations as normal (with the broken streams).
2. Using the Radio plugin interface in Kodi, add a test custom station with arbitrary data.
2.1 For me, this is accessed by going to Music->Music add-ons->Radio->My Stations->Add custom Station
2.2 We're just doing this to find out about the format of a custom station in the plugin's JSON configuration file. This is in order use a file editor to manually create custom stations using the BBC streams at https://gist.github.com/bpsib/67089b959e...a59ad74bc3
2.3 BTW, I don't know if it's strictly necessary to flag the BBC streams as custom in the plugin config file.
3. Backup the original config file:
cp ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.audio.radio_de/.storage/my_stations.json ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.audio.radio_de/.storage/my_stations_orig_20210402-1900.json
4. Prettify the file so it's more human-readable in a text-editor and save that in a new .json file
cat ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.audio.radio_de/.storage/my_stations_orig_20210402-1900.json | python -m json.tool > ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.audio.radio_de/.storage/my_stations_new_20210402-1900.json
5. Edit the new .json file in a file-editor
  5.1 Add the following to each BBC station you want to modify
    "is_custom": "1",
    5.1.1 BTW, I'm not sure that this step is necessary
  5.2 Replace the broken bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net stream URLs for each stations entry in the config file with URLs from https://gist.github.com/bpsib/67089b959e...a59ad74bc3
  5.3 I've used the .pls links from there where they are available for the stations I'm interested in, except for Radio 5 Live.
    5.3.1 The .pls didn't work for 5 Live for me, possibly because I'm in Ireland, so I used the non-UK 5 Live link in BBC-Radio.m3u
6. See my new Radio plugin config file here which has a bunch of BBC stations and some others: https://paste.kodi.tv/xoqagovoxe
7. Stop Kodi
8. Overwrite the plugin config file with your updated file
cp ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.audio.radio_de/.storage/my_stations_new_20210402-1900.json ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.audio.radio_de/.storage/my_stations.json
8. Restart Kodi
9. Enjoy the BBC again!
10. I've left the test custom station in the config file I posted, but have removed it from the file I'm using on my system.

I've tested the streams for each station and listened long enough to hear that something is playing, but not long enough to hear any station id mentioned.

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[RELEASE] Radio Add-on (rad.io, radio.de, radio.fr, radio.pt, radio.es) Music Plugin5