uTorrent update XBMC on completion
Anyone have this working on Gotham 13.1? I had it working without Labels after some tinkering with the code on Frodo 12.3 but I lost my code due a HDD dying on me.

I don't know whether the web API has changed since Gotham or whether my new adapted code is completely wrong.

EDIT: My problem was with uTorrent 3.4.2 rather than XBMC and when I changed it and changed the code using the above fix from ragedogg69.

PHP Code:
Script for updating xbmc library upon torrent completion, and showing notification on download.
'Largly stolen and adapted from http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=87472
'In uTorrent, Options > Preferences > Advanced > Run Program : Add the following
When a Torrent Finishes:  "C:\path\to\xbmc.vbs" -"%N" "%D"
'When a Torrent Changes State: "C:\path\to\xbmc.vbs" -S "%M" "%N"
Declaration section
Dim objSvrHTTP
Dim connectionString 
'string to send to xbmc
Dim xbmcConnection    '
xbmc connection detailsdefined in Settings Section
Dim message    
' contains name of torrent when sending status message to xbmc
Dim myPath ' 
path of download in utorrent as provided via %D.

Set objSvrHTTP CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

On Error Resume Next
Settings Section
'edit these lines to work with your setup
xbmcConnection = "http://xbmc:[email protected]:80/jsonrpc?request=" ' 
This connection is the one that will perform library updates.
Implementation Section

'if the first argument is -U (for update) then it performs the update procedure and sends a notification to xbmc.
if WScript.Arguments.Item(0) = "-U" then
Send a command to xbmc to display a notification when a torrent finishes    
Left(myPath,2) = "\\" then
Replace(myPath,"\\","smb://"'This line makes network paths friendly for xbmc
            myPath = Replace(myPath,"\","/") '
This line also makes network paths friendly for xbmc
ElseIf Mid(myPath,2,2) = ":\" then
            myPath = Replace(myPath,"
    End If
    JSONstring = URLEncode(Replace("
{''jsonrpc'':''2.0'',''method'':''GUI.ShowNotification'',''params'':{''title'':''uTorrent'',''message'':''Finished downloading " & WScript.Arguments.Item(1) & "''},''id'':1}","''",Chr(34)))
    connectionString =  xbmcConnection & JSONstring
    objSvrHTTP.open "
GET", connectionString, False
    'Send a command to xbmc that tells it to update the supplied directory
    JSONstring = URLEncode(Replace("
    connectionString =  xbmcConnection & JSONstring
    WScript.Sleep 1000 * 10
    objSvrHTTP.open "
GET", connectionString, False
    'if the first argument is -S (for status) then it performs the status procedure and in this case only when the status is "
    'That way I get a notification in xbmc when a new torrent is added
    elseif WScript.Arguments.Item(0) = "
-S" then
        'check if the status is Downloading
        if WScript.Arguments.Item(1) = "
Downloading" then
               message = WScript.Arguments.Item(2)
               JSONstring = URLEncode(Replace("
{''jsonrpc'':''2.0'',''method'':''GUI.ShowNotification'',''params'':{''title'':''uTorrent'',''message'':''Downloading" & message & "''},''id'':1}","''",Chr(34)))
            connectionString = xbmcConnection & JSONstring
               objSvrHTTP.open "
GET", connectionString, False
        end if
end If

Function URLEncode(ByVal str)
Dim strTemp, strChar
Dim intPos, intASCII
strTemp = ""
strChar = ""
For intPos = 1 To Len(str)
  intASCII = Asc(Mid(str, intPos, 1))
  If intASCII = 32 Then
   strTemp = strTemp & "
  ElseIf ((intASCII < 123) And (intASCII > 96)) Then
   strTemp = strTemp & Chr(intASCII)
  ElseIf ((intASCII < 91) And (intASCII > 64)) Then
   strTemp = strTemp & Chr(intASCII)
  ElseIf ((intASCII < 58) And (intASCII > 47)) Then
   strTemp = strTemp & Chr(intASCII)
   strChar = Trim(Hex(intASCII))
   If intASCII < 16 Then
    strTemp = strTemp & "
%0" & strChar
    strTemp = strTemp & "
%" & strChar
   End If
  End If
URLEncode = strTemp
End Function 

Messages In This Thread
RE: uTorrent update XBMC on completion - by porkchop34 - 2014-07-02, 01:13
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