EDEN BETA 3: Refresh Rate No Longer Changing
bobo1on1 Wrote:Adjust refreshrate is working fine, the problem is you're playing an NTSC dvd which is reported as 59.94 fps, in the past XBMC would detect 23.976 fps video on an NTSC dvd by checking the video timestamps, but this was disabled because it caused too many problems.

That's interesting bobo1on1. Thanks for checking.

I can't say I completely understand it, though. I haven't noticed significant judder like I used to see when the refresh rate wasn't adjusted accordingly. I do notice some, though. Is this the trade-off, should I now expect some judder as a result, or am I still missing something?

BTW, is there a particular pull or trac request I could review that describes why this change was made?


Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by bobo1on1 - 2012-02-11, 21:05
[No subject] - by dclindner - 2012-02-12, 01:00
Needs Knob, perhaps? - by dclindner - 2012-02-12, 16:45
[No subject] - by bobo1on1 - 2012-02-13, 23:00
[No subject] - by dclindner - 2012-02-14, 02:01
[No subject] - by bobo1on1 - 2012-02-14, 03:53
[No subject] - by dclindner - 2012-02-14, 03:56
[No subject] - by bigbully - 2012-02-15, 08:41
Theory. - by dclindner - 2012-02-15, 22:35
[No subject] - by bobo1on1 - 2012-02-20, 17:38
[No subject] - by bigbully - 2012-02-29, 09:23
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