[wip] live tv support
New Aeon Nox LiveTV Mod (v3.2) -ONLY FOR AEON NOX SVN-





Drag and drop the folder named skin.aeon.nox.svn to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons and overwrite all file or folder.

Changelog v3.2

- FIXED "Nowplaying" overlay bug when lowermenu is active.

Changelog v3

- FIXED Sidebar overlay bug.

- FIXED Home Menu Bar when PVR is recording or with Timer enabled (now the home menu bar moves correctly depending of the user settings -Top or middle-).

- FIXED some sections when BackgroundVideo is enabled.

- FIXED Now Playing bug in Home when BackgroundVideo is enabled.

- FIXED Now Playing position in LiveTV section when BackgroundVideo is enabled.

- FIXED Now Playing position in LiveTV section when you play other content than LiveTV.

- FIXED Seekbar and Title name in LiveTV section when BackgroundVideo is enabled.

- FIXED Now Playing size and type when BackgroundVideo is enabled (the TV logo now appears correctly).

- FIXED Fixed Record and Timer icons in EPG Timeline section.

- FIXED Breadcrumbs (title, pagecount and item names now appears with font and size correctly).

- FIXED Title Breadcrumb position in other sections.

- FIXED Buttons position in Sidebar (in LiveTV secion). Now appears with the correctly height.

- FIXED overlay buttons in Sidebar (in LiveTV secion).

- FIXED overlay buttons in Sidebar (in LiveTV secion).

- FIXED Seekbar and Time label when Breadcrumbs is not active (now appears into the upper rectangle).

- FIXED the issue where the bar (where appear recording and timer in home) does not appear when BackgroundVideo is enabled.

- ADDED new timer and recording icon for the focusedlayout of all sections.


Some screenshots:


Messages In This Thread
[wip] live tv support - by tocinillo - 2012-02-20, 21:36
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-02-20, 21:36
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-02-20, 21:37
[No subject] - by NaDs - 2012-02-21, 10:09
[No subject] - by vicmanpergar - 2012-02-21, 11:08
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-02-21, 19:02
[No subject] - by Swifty - 2012-02-21, 20:53
[No subject] - by LastCoder - 2012-02-22, 15:53
Thanks - by BenAtNVS - 2012-02-23, 20:22
[No subject] - by Aaron_Lloyd - 2012-02-25, 03:19
[No subject] - by Maxoo - 2012-02-25, 12:29
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-02-27, 17:00
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-02-27, 17:01
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-02-27, 17:01
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-02-27, 17:02
[No subject] - by mbbransc - 2012-02-27, 22:29
[No subject] - by Maxoo - 2012-02-28, 02:07
[No subject] - by derelict - 2012-02-29, 00:34
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-02-29, 12:09
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-02-29, 15:34
[No subject] - by Swifty - 2012-03-01, 14:22
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-02, 15:39
[No subject] - by Shinu - 2012-03-02, 16:45
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-02, 17:16
[No subject] - by derelict - 2012-03-03, 01:33
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-03, 01:42
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-03, 04:41
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-03, 04:48
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-03, 04:50
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-03, 04:50
[No subject] - by Ne0tr0n - 2012-03-03, 15:19
[No subject] - by Shinu - 2012-03-03, 16:48
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-03, 17:03
[No subject] - by Shinu - 2012-03-03, 17:06
[No subject] - by weemaaan - 2012-03-03, 17:12
[No subject] - by Shinu - 2012-03-03, 17:35
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-03, 17:46
Osd - by LastCoder - 2012-03-03, 18:49
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-03, 18:50
[No subject] - by schimi2k - 2012-03-03, 19:10
[No subject] - by weemaaan - 2012-03-03, 23:32
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-04, 00:27
[No subject] - by NaDs - 2012-03-04, 09:52
Channel logos .... - by LastCoder - 2012-03-04, 11:06
[No subject] - by LastCoder - 2012-03-04, 11:55
[No subject] - by NaDs - 2012-03-04, 12:58
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-04, 13:59
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-05, 15:34
[No subject] - by weemaaan - 2012-03-05, 23:18
[No subject] - by boomslang - 2012-03-06, 00:52
[No subject] - by snipah - 2012-03-06, 08:58
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-06, 13:49
[No subject] - by Machete - 2012-03-06, 14:54
[No subject] - by weemaaan - 2012-03-06, 15:31
[No subject] - by BigNoid - 2012-03-06, 21:13
[No subject] - by NaDs - 2012-03-07, 11:41
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-07, 17:19
[No subject] - by phil65 - 2012-03-07, 18:47
[No subject] - by Maxoo - 2012-03-07, 19:28
[No subject] - by phil65 - 2012-03-07, 19:33
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-07, 20:28
[No subject] - by weemaaan - 2012-03-07, 20:49
[No subject] - by phil65 - 2012-03-07, 21:03
[No subject] - by tocinillo - 2012-03-07, 21:14
[No subject] - by Maxoo - 2012-03-07, 21:27
[No subject] - by BigNoid - 2012-03-07, 21:55
[No subject] - by ferent - 2012-03-08, 13:07
[No subject] - by phil65 - 2012-03-08, 17:37
RE: [wip] live tv support - by mactor - 2012-03-12, 17:16
RE: [wip] live tv support - by thatguy7669 - 2012-03-12, 23:23
RE: [wip] live tv support - by meikelmoeller - 2013-11-26, 08:36
RE: [wip] live tv support - by tocinillo - 2012-03-13, 14:01
RE: [wip] live tv support - by NaDs - 2012-03-13, 23:03
RE: [wip] live tv support - by thatguy7669 - 2012-03-13, 19:53
RE: [wip] live tv support - by manfeed - 2012-03-14, 03:02
RE: [wip] live tv support - by tocinillo - 2012-03-14, 12:57
RE: [wip] live tv support - by NaDs - 2012-03-15, 09:28
RE: [wip] live tv support - by manfeed - 2012-03-14, 13:02
RE: [wip] live tv support - by phil65 - 2012-03-14, 21:03
RE: [wip] live tv support - by BigNoid - 2012-03-15, 13:07
RE: [wip] live tv support - by tocinillo - 2012-03-15, 14:46
RE: [wip] live tv support - by manfeed - 2012-03-16, 12:14
RE: [wip] live tv support - by phil65 - 2012-03-16, 14:41
RE: [wip] live tv support - by gardnersm - 2012-03-30, 03:00
RE: [wip] live tv support - by phil65 - 2012-03-30, 03:19
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