[WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox2
I mentioned a problem with my Dreambox 800se some on the previous page. The problem is found and it seems to be a bug in stream handling of this plugin.
The affected channels, that did not run, had an alternative channel set in the Dreambox channel menu. When streaming with VLC everything works fine nevertheless, but I did notice the given stream address changed in VLC with an alternative present.
When deactivating all alternatives in the Dreambox the VU plugin streamed this channels OK now. Perhaps this is something you like to review.


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RE: [WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox2 - by MikeRD03 - 2012-08-03, 10:37
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[WIP] PVR Client Addon for XBMC for EPG and full control of Dreambox and DBox217