TV Show Custom Season Names
Any progress on this? I still patiently await this feature - it's the only thing missing for me!
(2016-03-04, 01:26)AsSubtleAsABrick Wrote: Any progress on this? I still patiently await this feature - it's the only thing missing for me!

It's in Kodi v16 :D

Select a season -> context menu -> manage -> edit title
(2016-03-04, 01:41)Ned Scott Wrote: It's in Kodi v16 Big Grin

Select a season -> context menu -> manage -> edit title
Cool, very nice, very useful.
So I am able to get the season name via JSONRPC VideoLibrary.GetSeasons but I can't seem to find any way to change the season name other than manually, is there another way? Via JSONRPC or .NFO file or anything else.

XBMC2, EventGhost plugin. Image
There is an NFO method. I thought I had a link to the pull request so I could add it to the wiki, but I seem to have lost it...
(2016-03-04, 06:03)Ned Scott Wrote:
Thanks, is this the what I should put in tvshow.nfo
  <season number="1" title="foo" />
  <season number="2" title="bar" />
It didn't work for me and I even lost the one I changed manually when I refreshed. Hmm maybe I'm too tired I should go to bed. I'll try it again tomorrow.

XBMC2, EventGhost plugin. Image
huh, maybe they only talked about it but didn't actually add it? I changed a season name, exported the library to generate an NFO file, and I don't see anything for season names.
Reading from NFOs should work but I'm not 100% sure if writing to NFO works. And due to our odd refreshing logic/handling every tvshow/season refresh will loose any season name manually set through the user interface (same is true for other media types).
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Thanks Montellese!
So What am I doing wrong?

I have a new profile in Kodi 16, I added a new tv show containing this tvshow.nfo
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    <title>Game Scoop!</title>
        <season number="1" title="foo" />
        <season number="2" title="bar" />
But the season names are not picked up, do I need to activate something else for it to work? The videos have individual .NFOs too and the scraper setting is to use local only.

I don't see anything season related in the debug log just the normal tvshow and episode detection.
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: Starting Kodi (16.0 Git:20160220-a5f3a99). Platform: Windows NT x86 32-bit
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: Kodi compiled Feb 20 2016 by MSVC 180030723 for Windows NT x86 32-bit version 6.0 (0x06000000)
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: Running on Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Z97X-UD5H-BK with Windows 7 SP1, kernel: Windows NT x86 64-bit version 6.1
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: Host CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4 cores available
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: Desktop Resolution: 2560x1440 32Bit at 60Hz
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: Running with administrator rights
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: Aero is enabled
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: D:\Kodi 16
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: D:\Kodi 16
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: D:\Kodi 16\portable_data\userdata
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: D:\Kodi 16\portable_data\
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: D:\Kodi 16\portable_data\cache
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: The executable running is: D:\Kodi 16\Kodi.exe
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: Local hostname: Main
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: Log File is located: D:\Kodi 16\portable_data\kodi.log
15:39:48 T:2680  NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found matching Full NFO file: E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\tvshow.nfo
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new item to tvshows:E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnUpdate from xbmc
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 16, from xbmc, message OnUpdate
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Scanning dir 'E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\' as not in the database
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\A Brief History of TMNT Games - Game Scoop! 369-g08Joepsp-E.mkv (s3e69) [[\\/\._ -]([0-9]+)([0-9][0-9](?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([\._ -][^\\/]*)$]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\cba09b09803d9720ab9b460ec2fca8cf-5000000-1449172338-w.mp4 (s50000e0) [[\\/\._ -]([0-9]+)([0-9][0-9](?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([\._ -][^\\/]*)$]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Adding new season 14491723, multipart episode 38 [^[-_ex]+([0-9]+(?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\Game Scoop! - 01x357.strm (s1e357) [[\\/\._ \[\(-]([0-9]+)x([0-9]+(?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([^\\/]*)$]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\Game Scoop! - 01x358.strm (s1e358) [[\\/\._ \[\(-]([0-9]+)x([0-9]+(?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([^\\/]*)$]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\Game Scoop! - 01x359.strm (s1e359) [[\\/\._ \[\(-]([0-9]+)x([0-9]+(?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([^\\/]*)$]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\Game Scoop! - 01x360.strm (s1e360) [[\\/\._ \[\(-]([0-9]+)x([0-9]+(?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([^\\/]*)$]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\Game Scoop! - 01x361.strm (s1e361) [[\\/\._ \[\(-]([0-9]+)x([0-9]+(?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([^\\/]*)$]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\Game Scoop! - 01x362.strm (s1e362) [[\\/\._ \[\(-]([0-9]+)x([0-9]+(?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([^\\/]*)$]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\Game Scoop! - 01x363.strm (s1e363) [[\\/\._ \[\(-]([0-9]+)x([0-9]+(?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([^\\/]*)$]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\Game Scoop! - 01x364.strm (s1e364) [[\\/\._ \[\(-]([0-9]+)x([0-9]+(?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([^\\/]*)$]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\Game Scoop! - 01x365.strm (s1e365) [[\\/\._ \[\(-]([0-9]+)x([0-9]+(?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([^\\/]*)$]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\Game Scoop! - 01x366.strm (s1e366) [[\\/\._ \[\(-]([0-9]+)x([0-9]+(?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([^\\/]*)$]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\Game Scoop! - 01x369.strm (s1e369) [[\\/\._ \[\(-]([0-9]+)x([0-9]+(?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([^\\/]*)$]
15:40:58 T:2680   DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Found episode match E:\Multimedia\Youtube\Game Scoop!\Game Scoop! - 02x369.strm (s2e369) [[\\/\._ \[\(-]([0-9]+)x([0-9]+(?:(?:[a-i]|\.[1-9])(?![0-9]))?)([^\\/]*)$]

XBMC2, EventGhost plugin. Image
Same thing is happening for me as jonib - I can manually set the season name but cannot figure out how to set it in the nfo file.
Has anyone been able to get this to work through nfo files or am I still just doing something wrong?
I believe the syntax is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    <title>Game Scoop!</title>
    <namedseason number="1">foo</namedseason>
    <namedseason number="2">bar</namedseason>
(2016-04-05, 01:01)menakite Wrote: I believe the syntax is:
Did you test it? as it made Kodi 16.0 crash for me when trying to scan the show. Where did that syntax come from?

XBMC2, EventGhost plugin. Image
By looking at the code that syntax seems correct (in any case it shouldn't crash), but you may have spotted a bug.
I'm preparing a test build for you to try. If you can compile Kodi yourself, add this commit on top of Jarvis branch:

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