TV Show Custom Season Names
(2016-04-05, 01:52)menakite Wrote: By looking at the code that syntax seems correct (in any case it shouldn't crash), but you may have spotted a bug.
Quote:I'm preparing a test build for you to try. If you can compile Kodi yourself,
Sorry, no can do.

XBMC2, EventGhost plugin. Image
Please try - should appear on mirrors shortly.
(2016-04-05, 02:33)menakite Wrote: Please try - should appear on mirrors shortly.
Thanks, It didn't crash this time but no custom season names still.

XBMC2, EventGhost plugin. Image
Kodi was also crashing for me when trying to rescan a show after editing the nfo. I installed the test build you posted, and Kodi no longer crashes, but the custom season name still does not appear.
Same here.
Was wondering if there was any update on this. Is the custom naming now working in NFOs (not at home to try right now). Also, assuming it does work will it only be picked up in 16.0 as I still have an older version running on my Android device.

Any update on this? I've been waiting years for this to be implemented and work. Not that I'm not appreciative, obviously you guys do an awesome job. But it's literally my only complaint. Some shows just need custom season names and orderings.
I was wondering if being able to pick up custom season names from .nfo files is going to be a feature in v17? I know previously in this thread it was indicated that it was implemented, but I could never get it to work. Going in and manually changing them works for me now but I really want to be able to just add it in .nfo files. It would be great!
Looking into this again, I found some activity here and here. And apparently somethings been fixed for the upcoming Kodi 17.

But testing a nightly compiled dec 2 (Windows), I can't get anything to work, I can manually change the season name within Kodi, but when I export an .NFO from Kodi the custom season name is not included and gets lost when refreshing the show.
And putting in this:
    <namedseason number="1">foo</namedseason>
    <namedseason number="2">bar</namedseason>
Has no effect.

As the fix was merged several months ago I would assume it was included in the version I tested.

I guess I'll forget about this feature for now.

XBMC2, EventGhost plugin. Image
This appears to still be broken :/

Is there any progress? I'd really like a feature like this.

I'm using 17.1 and custom season names still do not get exported to the tvshow.nfo.
I could probably work around this by adding the season names with a text editor afterwards, but they also don't get imported and that is a big bummer.
(2016-03-04, 08:50)Montellese Wrote: Reading from NFOs should work but I'm not 100% sure if writing to NFO works. And due to our odd refreshing logic/handling every tvshow/season refresh will loose any season name manually set through the user interface (same is true for other media types).

Hi Montellese,

I've seen on github (#6041) that you actually coded to solve this months ago. I assume this functionality was surely added to Krypton 17.1
As is the case for other users (according to the last post replies), it doesn't seem to be working for me neither...

I edited tvshow.nfo directly, added the tag <namedseason> (syntax below) but when refreshing from local NFO file it doesn't seem to scrap custom season names...

i.e. (for the last two season of TV Show Gotham)
<namedseason number="2">Rise of the Villains. Wrath of the Villains</namedseason>
<namedseason number="3">Mad City. Heroes Rise</namedseason>

I don't mind if exporting the library doesn't write the names accordingly on tvshow.nfo, but reading from a manually edited NFO file should work, right?
Is there anything we're missing?

Anyways, thanks for the hard work!
I've taken a look at it and it seems like it doesn't work when initially scanning a tvshow into the library but when refreshing a single tvshow from NFO it works fine. Could you give that a try and report back whether it works for you as well or not?

EDIT: Nevermind, figured out what the issue was. Should be fixed with PR12099. The feature was working when I made changes to it last time but it was broken (again) by another refactoring of season handling in the database.
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I'm still not able to get this to work; has the update gone through to the stable build by now?
I would also like to have this feature included in Kodi too :-)
(2017-11-05, 11:29)Roger79 Wrote: I would also like to have this feature included in Kodi too :-)

I don't know what you are referring to, so I will take a guess. You can change the season names here...

Select a season -> context menu -> manage -> edit title
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