Posts: 21,449
Joined: Apr 2017
Ok, so you are referring to the nfo file XML tag. In future please provide more information in your posts.
No, it does not work, so you are doing nothing wrong. All available XML tags are listed in the NFO pages of the wiki. See my signature below for the link
Posts: 21,449
Joined: Apr 2017
Do you know what version of Kodi it was working in?
Posts: 83
Joined: Jan 2014
ok, so I figured it out... :-) allthough it's a terrible workaround. Make a copy of your show and add it as a second source, then update the library.
Posts: 153
Joined: Mar 2006
Senior Member
Posts: 153
Testing KodiSetup-20171101-150591e-master-x86.exe (later don't start at all) on Windows 7.
I can import the custom season names from the tvshow.nfo so seems to work fine, but most places in the GUI that reference the season still uses numbers and not the custom names. Don't know if related to Kodi or skin but makes it less usable right now.
XBMC2, EventGhost plugin.
Posts: 6
Joined: Mar 2017
Hi newbie here
if i read this thread correctly ... when you create a custom Season folder name using the 'namedseason' tag in the tvshow.nfo - it saves the changes when you refresh, but will not export the said changes if you export the .nfo file?
I can confirm that this is the case. I created a Custom TV Show folder, with Custom Fanart, Seasons, Episodes etc. renamed the season folders using the afore mentioned tag in the .nfo and refreshed ... works like a dream. So as long as you dont export your library files (or at least choose NO to overwrite when you export), everything will remain as you want it.
Just a shame that the export part doesnt work properly, but hey ... we cant have everything in this excellent FREE software :-)