Option to use folder date for recently added movies
(2012-07-22, 21:17)kricker Wrote: There is no "fix" other than running a nightly or Frodo-pre version.


Is it included in http://mirrors.xbmc.org/nightlies/win32/...master.exe nightly build of XBMC.

Just a couple of queries about the nightly builds.

1. Do i have to uninstall the stable Eden build or should I just install nightly over it and it will retain all the settings. I dont want to backup userfolder eitherways, since I need to build the database from scratch with the advancedsettings parameter to take the video file modification date for correct sorting.

2. Are the night builds still made for Eden v11 separately and for pre-alpha Frodo separately. Which one should I go for.?

3. If the nighlty builds for Eden v11 are made on top of the stable Eden version, then is there any possibility that nightly introduces any bugs which were already fixed and working in stable Eden. In other words if nightlies for eden do have any bugs, then they should relate to the extended functionality added over and above of the stable Eden version 11 and should be breaking any functionality working fine in the stable version.

Thanks for the information.

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RE: Option to use folder date for recently added movies - by HyperEscape - 2012-07-24, 17:49
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