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Media Companion 3 beta's - Now with Music Video support
(2016-12-31, 10:19)vbat99 Wrote: Apologies everyone. Codeplex site, which hosts Media Companion source code and builds, has been down and out of commission for over a week.

It is finally back up and accepting commits again.

So I plan a few fixes, and then will attempt to get a new release out early next week.

Happy New Year everyone. Be Safe and enjoy the celebrations.

Thanks for all your hard work!
(2016-11-18, 20:22)Edworld Wrote: Sounds good. Anything on option to not use comma separator for tv show and episode ratings?

New option for TV (same as for Movies) to save votes with a Comma, will be in the next release. Default option is True, unselect to not save with a Comma.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2016-12-29, 06:49)Edworld Wrote: I think you answered my question


Scraping from tmdb and kodi can't display

Finally got around to looking into this.

TMDb site shows
جدایی نادر از سیمین As the Original Title for this movie.
A Separation is the English title.

Jodaeiye nader az simin Is the first of three titles for Iran, followed by
جدایی نادر از سیمین is the second, and
Jodái-e Náder az Simin as the third.

At this time, we can only get alternative titles from IMDb, but we do get the current scrape language Title, and Original Title from TMDb. (if using TMDb scraper)
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
I'm curious if anyone else is having problems with using movie filters with tags. It doesn't work at all for me. Every time I try to filter on a tag there is no drop down list of tags to choose from and filter on.
(2017-01-03, 08:07)JmzL Wrote: I'm curious if anyone else is having problems with using movie filters with tags. It doesn't work at all for me. Every time I try to filter on a tag there is no drop down list of tags to choose from and filter on.

Just checked and its working OK for me.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Thanks for looking. I'm not sure what was wrong, but I did a clean install and it worked. I've been updating for the last 6m or so by dropping all the files over the existing version. I guess something wasn't quite right.
It may be an old setting causing the issue. I try to accommodate for updating like you have, but something must have been missed.

Glad you got it sorted.

Sent from my GT-I9100
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
New Release.

Media Companion 3.669b

Happy New Year everyone.
After a horrible delay with the Codeplex site being down for over a week, here is the next release of Media Companion.
A few more bug fixes, and some new features.

One specifically to mention:
Delete movie. This option is disabled by default, so users do not accidentally delete their movies. Option is in Movie Preferences -> General tab, Enable 'Delete Movie Folder' context menu option.
Also option 'All Movies are in Folders' must be enabled.
This will add a Delete Movie Folder option to the context menu for Movies, and will Delete the complete Movie Folder, and all contents. Supports selecting multiple movies.

You are warned !!!

If Recycle bin is enabled and movies are on a locally attached device (internal HDD or removable HDD) they will be deleted to the Recycle Bin.
But, If the Recycle bin is disabled, or files are stored on a NAS, selected items will be deleted permanently!

  • Movie - Add context option on Movie Sets tab to rescrape Collection data. Must have valid TMDB Set ID.
  • Movie - Export Movie List of Selected Movies. IE: Select specific movies to export to template.
  • Movie - Added: Delete movie folder to grid view context menu. Preference option to enable this in Movie Preferences, General Tab. NB: must have option 'All Movies are in Folders' enabled. Caution: Will delete to Recycle Bin, except if recycle bin disabled or files stored on NAS.
  • Movie - add General Filter - Missing Video File. Will list all movie titles where a nfo exists, but the video file is not present with the nfo.
  • mc_com - Get mc_com path, remove necessity to CD into directory before calling mc_com.exe.
  • MC - Updated ffmpeg from new source for Win XP to Win 10 compatibility.
  • TV - add option save votes with comma deliminator (default = True).

  • TV - Fix getting episode Rating and Votes from IMDb, with fallback to TVDb.
  • TV - Fix getting and storing actor images from IMDb for Episodes.
  • Movie - Fix for no Certificate from TMDb on rescrape.
  • Movie - Fixed Rescrape title, also populate Alternative Titles if options selected.

And, Please, if you experience any crashes, post up an Issue on Media Companion's site

Feedback would be appreciated.

Download Link for MC 3.669b x86 & MC 3.669b x64

Revision History
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion

Having a problem with movie sets... MC is not detecting them. It only lists few of them. I've ran the wizard to re-scrape that info, but no change. Where should I start troubleshooting?

Also when switching to the table view, there are repeated data grid error messages that popup.

(2017-01-26, 06:51)leejk Wrote: Hello,

Having a problem with movie sets... MC is not detecting them. It only lists few of them. I've ran the wizard to re-scrape that info, but no change. Where should I start troubleshooting?

Also when switching to the table view, there are repeated data grid error messages that popup.


Gidday @leejk

Can you advise me
a. Where have you set MC to save the MovieSet artwork to? Into the collection folder or into a Central folder.
b. What folder structure are you using.
ie: All movies in a Collection folder. All Movies in their own folder. All movies in their own folder under a collection folder.
Also, is the collection folder named exactly the same as the Collection name.

As for Table view, I am not sure. Just tested using latest MC 3.669b, and not getting any errors when I switch to Table view.
If this is consistant, then maybe extract a new MC to a new folder, and set it up from fresh.
There could be rogue data in older MC cache files that may be causing these issue.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2017-01-26, 10:37)vbat99 Wrote: Gidday @leejk

Can you advise me
a. Where have you set MC to save the MovieSet artwork to? Into the collection folder or into a Central folder.
b. What folder structure are you using.
ie: All movies in a Collection folder. All Movies in their own folder. All movies in their own folder under a collection folder.
Also, is the collection folder named exactly the same as the Collection name.

As for Table view, I am not sure. Just tested using latest MC 3.669b, and not getting any errors when I switch to Table view.
If this is consistant, then maybe extract a new MC to a new folder, and set it up from fresh.
There could be rogue data in older MC cache files that may be causing these issue.


a. It's set to a central folder.
b. There is one top level movie folder, and each movie is in it's own subfolder under that. The subfolders are named like "movie name (year)", and the movie files themselves are named the same, with an additional media flag, (movie name (year).bluray.mkv). I do not use collection folders, because I can find no official KODI docs on advising that.

This whole collection was originally scraped using FileBot... most everything is already there. It produces a movie.nfo file in each movie folder, and looks to be complete, as the set info is there. I was going to re-scrape the whole thing using MC, but there is a problem with the UI that prevents me. In Movie preferences on Artwork tab, the 2 options 'Saves as fanart.jpg' & 'Saves as poster.jpg' are grayed out. I have the option 'All movies are in folders' checked on the scraper tab. Secondly this option should be a radio control since it toggles the option above it, right?

If downloading trailers can it be made to name them movie title-trailer?

If downloading extrafanart, can it be saved as fanart1.jpg, fanart2.jpg, etc? It makes it easier when browsing for these on the file system.

The table view error will popup for every movie present, so that can be a lot of dialogs to push thru. It says:
DataGridView Default Error Dialog
The following exception occurred in the DataGridView:
System.ArgumentException: DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid.
To replace this default dialog please handle the DataError event.
(2017-01-27, 01:29)leejk Wrote: Hello,

a. It's set to a central folder.
b. There is one top level movie folder, and each movie is in it's own subfolder under that. The subfolders are named like "movie name (year)", and the movie files themselves are named the same, with an additional media flag, (movie name (year).bluray.mkv). I do not use collection folders, because I can find no official KODI docs on advising that.

This whole collection was originally scraped using FileBot... most everything is already there. It produces a movie.nfo file in each movie folder, and looks to be complete, as the set info is there. I was going to re-scrape the whole thing using MC, but there is a problem with the UI that prevents me. In Movie preferences on Artwork tab, the 2 options 'Saves as fan art.jpg' & 'Saves as poster.jpg' are grayed out. I have the option 'All movies are in folders' checked on the scraper tab. Secondly this option should be a radio control since it toggles the option above it, right?

The table view error will popup for every movie present, so that can be a lot of dialogs to push thru. It says:
DataGridView Default Error Dialog
The following exception occurred in the DataGridView:
System.ArgumentException: DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid.
To replace this default dialog please handle the DataError event.

Ok, Central folder is good. You've set up Media Companion to save into this central folder? Movie Preferences -> Artwork tab.

In the Central folder, you should have images with file names in the format
Die Hard Collection-fanart.jpg
Die Hard Collection-poster.jpg
James Bond Collection-fanart.jpg
James Bond Collection-poster.jpg

And the movies for those collections have the exact same collection name as per the artwork
ie: Die Hard (1986).wmk has Die Hard Collection as the collection.

This would be the only reason why the artwork is not showing in Media Companion.

As for the Table view, I think your Movie Set data is out of date, missing some information. Probably as it was originally scraped with FileBot.
Go to the Tool bar, click on the Movie button, and select Batch Rescrape Wizard.
Select only Tmdb set Info and run the wizard.
This will populate all the necessary Movie Collection info and should correct the Table view issue.
If it doesn't, then please Zip up some nfos of movies in collection, your moviesetcache.xml and config.xml. Upload this zip to Dropbox, google drive etc and PM me the link.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Wondering if you might be able to help with something. I started using Sonarr a while ago to help with my media collection (it searches for, pulls, renames, and moves the files automatically - kinda like Sickbeard - and creates an .nfo file per epidode). Now, when I refresh my TV Collection in MC, some shows will show as UN-Verified. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason which show is marked as such as it varies with each refresh - shows with new episodes, locked shows, shows that have no episodes - I mean it really seems to be random.

It's more of an annoyance than anything, but do you have any idea as to how i can prevent it? I get that MC is reading .nfo's created by another application, but aren't the files kind of standardized to be read by KODI? Any suggestions would be welcome!! Big Grin
(2017-01-27, 22:42)RonnieG3 Wrote: Wondering if you might be able to help with something. I started using Sonarr a while ago to help with my media collection (it searches for, pulls, renames, and moves the files automatically - kinda like Sickbeard - and creates an .nfo file per epidode). Now, when I refresh my TV Collection in MC, some shows will show as UN-Verified. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason which show is marked as such as it varies with each refresh - shows with new episodes, locked shows, shows that have no episodes - I mean it really seems to be random.

It's more of an annoyance than anything, but do you have any idea as to how i can prevent it? I get that MC is reading .nfo's created by another application, but aren't the files kind of standardized to be read by KODI? Any suggestions would be welcome!! Big Grin

This is due to MC adding a tag in the nfo just for Media Companion in the tvshow.nfo file.
This is so MC can state if the Show i valid, un-verified or Locked.

This field is ignored by Kodi, so never been an issue.

But, this tag is not in the episode nfo, so if Sonarr is changing TV series to Un-Verified, then it is re-writing the tvshow.nfo with each added episode, which would remove the <state> tag.. That's bizarre.

See here https://forums.sonarr.tv/t/dont-update-n...ssly/10673
here https://forums.sonarr.tv/t/tvshow-nfo-ov...dated/8484

I think I looked at Sonarr, but decided on Sickrage instead. Still yet to have Sickrage replace Sickbeard....
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2017-01-27, 03:01)vbat99 Wrote: If it doesn't, then please Zip up some nfos of movies in collection, your moviesetcache.xml and config.xml. Upload this zip to Dropbox, google drive etc and PM me the link.

I sent you a PM with a link to the files.

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