Linux HOW-TO The Complete Linux N00bs' Guide To Installing ZSNES on XMBCbuntu
So one additional piece of advice for those using XBMCbuntu 12 (with Frodo). This took me ages to figure out why I would just get a blank screen when launching zsnes using the latest Advanced Launcher (which you have to pick up from Google Code instead of the repo by the way). You can't use wmctrl any longer to move the window to a new desktop but you can use xdotool to unmap and remap the window to your X desktop instead which works beautifully. This is my script to launch zsnes:


# Hide and suspend XBMC
xdotool search --name "XBMC Media Center" windowunmap
sleep 0.5
killall -STOP xbmc.bin

# turn off screen blanking and dpms
xset s off
xset -dpms

# start application
/usr/bin/zsnes -m -s -v 7 "$1" &>> ~/emulators/zsnes.log

# turn on screen blanking and dpms
xset +dpms
xset s on

# restore screen resolution
xrandr -s 640x480
xrandr -s 1920x1080

# restore and show XBMC
killall -CONT xbmc.bin
xdotool search --name "XBMC Media Center" windowmap

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RE: HOW-TO The Complete Linux N00bs' Guide To Installing ZSNES on XMBCbuntu - by sblackst - 2013-01-06, 02:23
. - by User 102910 - 2013-02-27, 15:43
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HOW-TO The Complete Linux N00bs' Guide To Installing ZSNES on XMBCbuntu4