Linux HOW-TO The Complete Linux N00bs' Guide To Installing ZSNES on XMBCbuntu
(2013-09-28, 05:38)staticn0de Wrote: Hi all,

(For context, this is all being done on an xbmcubuntu 12.2 (Quantal) install.)

I tried following this guide and have installed zsnes, advanced launcher and all that good stuff. However, when I run Zsnes, it works fine up until I change my resolution. If I set is as anything that involves OpenGL, Zsnes hard locks and I need to kill the application from terminal. I can change the settings back using nano and set it as something non-OpenGL but I was after the 1080p.

I have been following every guide I can on the internet but can't find a definitive reason why this is not working.

I have an Nvida GT610 2GB video card with the latest Nvidia-Current drivers installed.

I have also tried installing Zsnes from source, but when I use the make command I get an error which I have uploaded here

Fingers crossed someone on here can point me in the right direction.

How do you start ZSNES from Advanced Launcher? Are you using exactly this following arguments?

-m -s -v 22 %rom%

Or do you have modified it to use a resolution that is supported by your graphical card and your screen?

;  ----
; -- Video --
;  ----

; Video Mode [0..22]
;   0 = 256x224      R WIN     1 = 256x224      R FULL
;   2 = 512x448     DR WIN     3 = 512x448     DR FULL
;   4 = 640x480     DR FULL
;   5 = 256x224    O R WIN     6 = 512x448    ODR WIN
;   7 = 640x480    ODS FULL    8 = 640x480    ODS WIN
;   9 = 640x560    ODR WIN    10 = 768x672    ODR WIN
;  11 = 800x600    ODS FULL   12 = 800x600    ODS WIN
;  13 = 896x784    ODR WIN    14 = 1024x768   ODS FULL
;  15 = 1024x768   ODS WIN    16 = 1024x896   ODR WIN
;  17 = 1280x960   ODS FULL   18 = 1280x1024  ODS FULL
;  19 = 1600x1200  ODS FULL   20 = VARIABLE   ODR WIN
;  21 = VARIABLE   ODS WIN    22 = CUSTOM     OD  FULL
; You need to select the custom video mode and modify CustomResX/Y to properly
; use custom res support.
; Last windowed & fullscreen modes (used when alt-tabbing)

; Custom Resolution X and Y for Custom Video Modes [256x224..2048x1536]

Custom video mode of ZSNES is defined by the -v 22 argument. If you are using it the screen resolution values, defined by CustomResX and CustomResY, must be compatible with your system. Also, if you want to use, for example the 1280x1024 fullscreen mode, the argument must be -v 18. You can also force the custom mode by modifying the cvidmode value (to 22).

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. - by User 102910 - 2013-02-27, 15:43
RE: HOW-TO The Complete Linux N00bs' Guide To Installing ZSNES on XMBCbuntu - by Angelscry - 2013-09-28, 15:45
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