Win XBMC crashes when XBOX-controller disconnects
I have yet to read the entire thread, but I'm having same/similar problem. Connecting and disconnecting my hardwired Xbox360 controller causes XBMC to crash. For those who mentioned Xpadder. I am using Xpadder and it still has the same results. I use Xpadder for controller configurations but it does not fix the problem with connecting/disconnecting controllers and XBMC crashing. I'm currently running XBMC Eden Official Release and Windows 7. I mainly posted this now for those whom were mentioning Xpadder as a way to solve the problem. I will read the whole thread when I get a chance. This way I can figure out whats going on. We really need a fix for this.

Thanks in advance!
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RE: XBMC crashes when XBOX-controller disconnects - by RandomNinjaAtk - 2012-04-29, 00:52
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