Win ANTEC ISK110 A6-3500 BUILD
Blu, eskro, yeah it's possible that it was just a lemon, or maybe I did something to it when I was taking it out the stupid box. Maybe that's why it was siting so crooked... If you look at that picture you'll also notice that fins are only touching the ring at the end, not all around like on the other picture from blu. If that's the case then this would be a perfect cooler for this build. Also, escro, the fins mounted on the copper rod behave kind off like a spring, so they don't just fall off if you turn it 90 deg, it falls only if you press on it from top with enough force. To put it back in you have to bent it out a bit and the move it up so it sits on the ring.

I just came back from a dinner with my parents hooked everything up for them, so sadly can't give you those temps.

One more thing I noticed tho, I couldn't wake it up from sleep state using that k400 keyboard from logitech. Checked and enabled the keyboard wake up option in bios, but still nothing... Maybe because it's a remote keyboard?
K400 should let u at least wake from sleep!

this is weird....

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