Flac streaming quality
i've noticed there seems to be a loss in quality when streaming a flac file vs. playing it locally from the harddisk. this doesn't make sense to me. has anyone else noticed this and/or could you explain why this could be happening? i am streaming the data wirelessly from my pc but i would assume that if the bandwidth/signal was too low the buffer would simply run dry and the song would pause. i wouldn't expect the quality of the song to suffer.

i haven't tried other files for streaming vs. local comparison nor was it a very official test but three different people were listening and we all noticed the difference. another thing i noticed that i was hoping someone could help me with is that flac files play much quieter than a cd being played at the same volume.
first thing to check is what type of "streaming" you are talking about.

is it just over a local network? ie are you playing the file using a smb share? if so, the sound will be identical. if it's over http or something (eg mms perhaps) then it's being played with a different player (mplayer vs paplayer) which may well account for differences.

as for sound levels between flac ripped from a cd and the cd, they should be identical assuming you are using a recent version of xbmc.
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i am streaming over a local network with the xbox plugged into a dlink router and the stream server connected via wireless. i am using an smb share as well. the build of xbmc is from early may, perhaps i'll try upgrading.

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Flac streaming quality0