Sort movie library by audio codec possible? Failing that, filter in windows?
Hi there,

As title really, have a rather large movie collection, most are in MKV with either DTS\AC3 but about 10 percent are in lossless FLAC. I would like to filter them to show only FLAC if desired in XBMC. If that isn't possible then would like to filter them in windows with some application I'm assuming is available, so can then seperate them manually and put them in their own folder then add a seperate library for them in XBMC.

Thanking you kindly for any help and suggestions Smile
A smartplaylist with audiocodec as the criteria would probably work. See the wiki here
Openelec on ASRock ION 330 / Kodi on Win 7 PC
(2012-05-20, 04:20)rocketpants Wrote: A smartplaylist with audiocodec as the criteria would probably work. See the wiki here

Thanks mate, will investiage Smile

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Sort movie library by audio codec possible? Failing that, filter in windows?0