Release Universal Scraper for Music Artists
Hope I'm posting in the right place here, but I'm not sure where the root of my problem really lies.

I have some obscure artists in my music library, some with no references on the web and therefore understandably not picked up by scrapers. So I want to use my own artwork. I have therefore placed folder.jpg and fanart.jpg images in the appropriate artist folders. But, no amount of updating and cleaning my libraries and artist info will display those images.

I don't know whether Artwork Downloader is related to this Universal Scraper, but I have checked the box in there that says "Use local files", but this has no effect.

Messages In This Thread
Doesn't work at all - by LastCoder - 2013-03-10, 22:05
RE: [Release] Universal Scraper for Music Artists - by keiron99 - 2014-09-24, 21:18
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