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xbmc minified as a server?
Your points are valid, and like you, I also dont have time to build/hack an application considering i'm a full time single father off 2 under 3, otherwise i would had attempted this on my own with out originally posting this thread, never the less, i feel this thread has caused awareness for such a feature either way.

Also considering the argument you had made was incorrect (in regards too the original poster), you have also completely disregarded the title off the thread (and i should be allowed too defend my initial posts in regards too dependencies etc (which i honestly don't care about anymore)) but the point still stands. All though i have finally came too terms with a lib direction, I would still love too see more development towards this in the future. Till i have a stable frodo build on my clients, I wont be able to test run whats available atm, and that had been an issue for me for sometime now.

These kind off features will start becoming more and more common considering entertainment, data, hw etc is becoming cheaper and expanding more every day, and people will want a fluid synchronized setup. It seems apple has acknowledged this on there own basis and is looking towards the future, I just hope all the other dev's can jump on ship and adapt with there own software's as well as hardware's...
(2012-10-24, 10:15)edhen Wrote: Your points are valid, and like you, I also dont have time to build/hack an application considering i'm a full time single father off 2 under 3, otherwise i would had attempted this on my own with out originally posting this thread, never the less, i feel this thread has caused awareness for such a feature either way.

Also considering the argument you had made was incorrect (in regards too the original poster), you have also completely disregarded the title off the thread (and i should be allowed too defend my initial posts in regards too dependencies etc (which i honestly don't care about anymore)) but the point still stands. All though i have finally came too terms with a lib direction, I would still love too see more development towards this in the future. Till i have a stable frodo build on my clients, I wont be able to test run whats available atm, and that had been an issue for me for sometime now.

These kind off features will start becoming more and more common considering entertainment, data, hw etc is becoming cheaper and expanding more every day, and people will want a fluid synchronized setup. It seems apple has acknowledged this on there own basis and is looking towards the future, I just hope all the other dev's can jump on ship and adapt with there own software's as well as hardware's...

If you want this to be a feature of XBMC rather than an un-official mod/addon (as it currently is) then you need to raise it with the XBMC devs and have it formally added as a supported feature.

Again, I only posted what I had done to meet my needs which was to perform a Video Library Scan. Others have adapted the code to run as a server (well commented out a couple of lines of code)...

I was trying to share the "art of the possible" rather than a full blown headless solution...
in case you haven't noticed, that has already been pursued by others in regards to this thread
(2012-10-24, 11:35)edhen Wrote: in case you haven't noticed, that has already been pursued by others in regards to this thread

And the devs responseHuh
Work is being done by the devs to make parts of XBMC (like screensaver, ) more seperate library's. Then different use-case scenario's could be worked on (like the headless server which scrapes and updates the library and/or maybe an UPNP-server).

What kind of other work would you guys excpect? In my opinion, this is the way forward but it takes time.
I don't expect anything else... I am happy with the library approach.
(2012-10-24, 13:26)Robotica Wrote: Work is being done by the devs to make parts of XBMC (like screensaver, ) more seperate library's. Then different use-case scenario's could be worked on (like the headless server which scrapes and updates the library and/or maybe an UPNP-server).

What kind of other work would you guys excpect? In my opinion, this is the way forward but it takes time.

Library update would be enough for me and the ability to get it running on my Synology NAS Wink
Guy's I am struggling with compiling the video library scanner. I finally compiled the vajonam xbmc version on Fedora 17 yesterday.
Apparently the /usr/include/afpfs-ng library on Fedora 17 has incorrect pathing or whatever it's called and I needed to edit the afp.h file and used full path's:
#include </usr/include/afpfs-ng/afp_protocol.h>
#include </usr/include/afpfs-ng/libafpclient.h>

After 20min of compiling there where no further error's, at least no show stoppers I suppose because it finished compiling.
Then I followed the post from vicbitter:

Quote:To use with the latest code from XBMC head (ie. Frodo)

1) If you haven't built libxbmc.so

cd xbmc-frodo directory
./configure --enable-shared-lib

copy the libxbmc.so shared library to /lib

2) Build the sample application

a) Copy the following make and sample code into the xbmc directory under the xbmc-frodo directory
i) xbmcVideoLibraryScan.cpp
ii) make_xbmcVideoLibraryScan

b) Build the application
cd xbmc-frodo directory
cd xbmc
make -f make_xbmcVideoLibraryScan all

3) To run the sample application
XBMC_BIN_HOME=/usr/local/lib/xbmc XBMC_HOME=/usr/local/share/xbmc ./xbmcVideoLibraryScan

Well After the make I don't have a libxbmc.so anywhere see here my output on my Fedora machine, maybe someone can shed some light on it: http://pastebin.com/dKECCF0z

your problem is here: configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-shared-lib

it seems you might be trying to compile a eden build, get the latest source from git://github.com/xbmc/xbmc.git eg.
git clone git://github.com/xbmc/xbmc.git
This is looking like exactly the thing I have been after for years.
I'm running ArchLinux on a Cubox (arm). Has anyone got a pre-compiled version?
If not I'm presuming I can compile from the RasPi branch of xbmc-frodo?

Sorry if it's a stupid question, haven't compiled stuff from scratch before, but it's about time I did I think.
OK, I'm going to give this another try since I could really use the headless library scanner. This time I go into a lot more detail of what I'm working with since I remember a post mentioning that they don't know what I'm working with that breaks so easily. I need the headless server as getting the fglrx drivers installed on this system is a real pain for XBMC as a whole. I just need somebody to tell me where I'm going wrong.

The hardware config in question an AMD Fusion setup. An Asus E35M1-I motherboard (1.6GHz Dual Core and Radeon HD6310 APU) and 4GB of RAM. I also have a 32GB Corsair SSD as my OS drive. My storage drives are as follow 1st RAID 0 array 2x 2TB WD Green. 2nd RAID 0 Array 2X 2TB Samsung Spinpoints. One spare 500GB WD Green for less important shares

The OS I'm using is a minimal Debian Squeeze AMD64 distro with OpenMediaVault Omnius packaged with it. It essentially contains no compilers or anything and loves to break when change things since I don't have the linux 'know how' needed to really do this. It can be found here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openmedi...files/0.3/

Now, I've tried searching out how to compile XBMC from the wiki since instructions in this thread were lacking. From what I can tell I need to install all of this to compile:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install git-core build-essential gawk pmount libtool nasm yasm automake cmake gperf zip unzip bison libsdl-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libfribidi-dev liblzo2-dev libfreetype6-dev libsqlite3-dev libogg-dev libasound2-dev python-sqlite libglew-dev libcurl3 libcurl4-gnutls-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev libmad0-dev libogg-dev libvorbisenc2 libsmbclient-dev libmysqlclient-dev libpcre3-dev libdbus-1-dev libhal-dev libhal-storage-dev libjasper-dev libfontconfig-dev libbz2-dev libboost-dev libenca-dev libxt-dev libxmu-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libpulse-dev mesa-utils libcdio-dev libsamplerate-dev libmpeg3-dev libflac-dev libiso9660-dev libass-dev libssl-dev fp-compiler gdc libmpeg2-4-dev libmicrohttpd-dev libmodplug-dev libssh-dev gettext cvs python-dev libyajl-dev libboost-thread-dev libplist-dev libusb-dev libudev-dev libtinyxml-dev libcap-dev autopoint libltdl-dev swig && sudo apt-get -y upgrade

I added the upgrade at the end for good measure in making sure the system is up to date.

From Odin's post, I know to install taglib.

wget https://github.com/downloads/taglib/taglib/taglib-1.8.tar.gz
tar xzf taglib-1.8.tar.gz
cd taglib-1.8
make install

and of course

rm /usr/local/lib/libtag*.a

From there, I can now snag XBMC sources from GIT and compile to get libxbmc.so
From here all paths will be relvent to /root where GIT will download the sources into /root/xbmc

git clone git://github.com/xbmc/xbmc.git
cd xbmc
./configure --enable-shared-lib

With that done, I copy libxbmc.so to /root/xbmc/lib
And of course download xbmcVideoLibraryScan.cpp and make_xbmcVideoLibraryScan to /root/xbmc/xbmc

From there, I'm to assume that I need to go to /root/xbmc/xbmc and enter
make -f make_xbmcVideoLibraryScan all

Does this sound about right to get this built on this system?
Looking at xbmc server makefile, you don't have to copy lib to /root/xbmc/lib

Otherwise, things seem right.

- copy libxbmc.so to /usr/lib
- create a folder xbmc in /opt
- copy xbmc server binary into /opt/xbmc/
- copy following folders from git folder to /opt/xbmc (i may have forgotten some, Check a full xbmc install folder)

launch server from /opt/xbmc/ with -p flag

Apt-get install missing dependencies

As soon as it is working, update tour settings in /opt/xbmc/portable<i have forgotten folder name>/userdata/settings

What it is your crurent status ?

PS : writing from train, cannot Check information.
Build instructions on how to compile XBMC on Linux are in the docs/README.linux file in the XBMC sources directory...
(2012-10-24, 13:09)vicbitter Wrote:
(2012-10-24, 11:35)edhen Wrote: in case you haven't noticed, that has already been pursued by others in regards to this thread

And the devs responseHuh

to throw my oar in here (as the originator of the eden hack that led to all of this) the dev's response was to put this shared library together in the frodo codebase.

when i put the original hack together (fwiw, i'm also a father of two kids, the eldest being three and the youngest just had her first birthday a couple of weeks ago) i wanted a headless server mode. vajonam rebased my original branch 542 into something that the devs could use, and that's the patch you see in post #2 in this thread. the end result was that a developer on the project thought he should either put up or shut up and let the hack through. as the hack was very dirty, and his solution was by far the most elegant method of solving the problem, that's what ultimately happened, and my contribution became nothing more than a footnote. you can see the trail of comments in the patch itself, if you're curious.

so, to be honest, i think it's a little unfair to criticise the developers on this one. they've basically done something to make our lives easier in the long term, and when frodo is released the library side of things will be incredibly helpful in a wide array of situations - including our desire for a headless server. the downside - for now - is that you'll have to be using the frodo branch, and that's breaking a lot of code in its current iteration because it's in active development. when that stabilises, we'll be in a far better position.

in the meanwhile, there's nothing to stop you pulling down and compiling the old version of the eden headless server code from vajonam's branch, which does the job well enough. alternatively, switch to using the nightlies, and use this library. downside is that the external tools will likely break (sickbeard et al) - and that's the main reason i'm not currently using it myself, and will be waiting for frodo's actual release.
Alright, I've managed to compile XBMC from GIT successfully. From there, I've copied libxbmc.so to /usr/lib and created the folder /opt/xbmc
From there, I'm not as sure as I don't know paths and exact file name of the binary.

Now, do I copy xbmcVideoLibraryScan.cpp and make_xbmcVideoLibraryScan (to where exactly?) and do the following? I have not run
make -f make_xbmcVideoLibraryScan all
since I don't know the location. Please excuse me on this, I'm just trying to make sure there is no room for error on my part. I do appreciate the extreme help you've all given on this.

Edit - I've now compiled xbmcVideoLibraryScan. Running it seems to be trickier. So far, it's error on libtag.so.1, which I copied to /lib, and that solved that part. I'm just a bit confused now on what exactly to move to which location.

I've tried moving everything (/root/xbmc) to /opt/xbmc in hopes that's what you meant. I'm about cross eyed looking at this screen working it down to hopefully working. Above, in the original set of instructions, the launch script states a location of /usr/local

I'm lost, but close.

root@server:/opt/xbmc/xbmc# ./xbmcVideoLibraryScan
XBMC Media Center 12.0-ALPHA7 Git:20121031-606dc9d
Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Team XBMC - http://www.xbmc.org

Starting Video Library Scan

Unable to find path to XBMC data files!
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xbmc minified as a server?9