Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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xbmc minified as a server?
It's looking for your data files which are usually located in /usr/local/share/xbmc

You need to have done a make && make install of a complete xbmc or at least have the data files from one in order to run the server. Did you previously have xbmc installed on this box?
Never had XBMC installed on this box due to it being a pure headless server.
Edit - going to try make && make install before compiling xbmcVideoLibraryScan on a fresh get pull

I'll reply back when it gets done. And thank you.

make install results in this error

root@server:/root/xbmc# make install
Copying XBMC binary to /usr/local/lib/xbmc/
install: cannot stat `xbmc-xrandr': No such file or directory
make: *** [install-binaries] Error 1

Yet another edit - OK, found out that I need to use Odin's xbmc-server.cpp according to post 108 in this thread. I've done a complete server side file search with no results on the file on both clean source and compiled. I also don't know where to place the file since here's no path or if I also need to edit any other files to get it to be used in the compile. Definitely stumped.
(2012-10-31, 15:52)bladesuk1 Wrote:
(2012-10-24, 13:09)vicbitter Wrote:
(2012-10-24, 11:35)edhen Wrote: in case you haven't noticed, that has already been pursued by others in regards to this thread

And the devs responseHuh

to throw my oar in here (as the originator of the eden hack that led to all of this) the dev's response was to put this shared library together in the frodo codebase.

when i put the original hack together (fwiw, i'm also a father of two kids, the eldest being three and the youngest just had her first birthday a couple of weeks ago) i wanted a headless server mode. vajonam rebased my original branch 542 into something that the devs could use, and that's the patch you see in post #2 in this thread. the end result was that a developer on the project thought he should either put up or shut up and let the hack through. as the hack was very dirty, and his solution was by far the most elegant method of solving the problem, that's what ultimately happened, and my contribution became nothing more than a footnote. you can see the trail of comments in the patch itself, if you're curious.

so, to be honest, i think it's a little unfair to criticise the developers on this one. they've basically done something to make our lives easier in the long term, and when frodo is released the library side of things will be incredibly helpful in a wide array of situations - including our desire for a headless server. the downside - for now - is that you'll have to be using the frodo branch, and that's breaking a lot of code in its current iteration because it's in active development. when that stabilises, we'll be in a far better position.

in the meanwhile, there's nothing to stop you pulling down and compiling the old version of the eden headless server code from vajonam's branch, which does the job well enough. alternatively, switch to using the nightlies, and use this library. downside is that the external tools will likely break (sickbeard et al) - and that's the main reason i'm not currently using it myself, and will be waiting for frodo's actual release.

My God you guys just keep going on and on, No where did i actually criticize? I GAVE AN OPINION! Or atleast a PERSPECTIVE... Also you are a full time (24/7) "SINGLE" father? if not, that statement will never compare... you need too really read my previous comments because you have blindly assumed way too much... "eden headless server code from vajonam's branch" has already been mentioned, "alternatively, switch to using the nightlies, and use this library" has already been mentioned... and lets face it, the library approach wasn't a real big one, it was a just quick fix and didn't really require much. To be fair, every client/server software out there (tvheadend, utorrent, deluge, and so on) is tailored made too be that off what it is. here we pretty much took a whole application and turned it into a dynamic library containing many methods and classes that wouldn't even relate, specially GUI actions.

I really liked @Robotica's method, this would allow 3rd party dev's to quickly adapt there applications which is tailored to there application needs at minimal requirements. It would also allow for more versatile applications and hopefully a dominant server type application with continuous support / maintenance.

Now I hope this didn't sound overly aggressive, but im kind off getting tired off defending my statements, which even other people now have an understanding off...

Anyways. screwed up and got xbmc-xrandr to compile by simply typing make xbmc-xrandr

make install now gives the ouput:

root@server:~/xbmc# make install
Copying XBMC binary to /usr/local/lib/xbmc/
Copying support and legal files...
Copying system files to /usr/local/share/xbmc
/bin/bash: gtk-update-icon-cache: command not found

I really wish I had a smoke right now.

Edit- On a bit of a roll. installed libgtk2.0-bin and it will install now. Still getting a segment error when trying to launch. I'll post it if it comes back after I cleaned it up and I'm compiling again.
Strange that you're having all of these issues.. I did a compile & install as per the instructions in the readme in the git then went back and compiled the headless server using the modified code provided by vic and my modifications posted earlier to keep it running in background and VOILA. I wonder if it's because HEAD is in a state of flux right now do to the feature rollups for Frodo's release?
Well, one issue is that I'm stuck with this barebone distro of Squeeze due to the NAS software. Great NAS, but it will only run good on this god forsaken distro. As I've stated before, I've gone to the official forums for it and support there is almost non-existent. I once asked about how to get OMV running on Ubuntu and my account was deleted.

But I'm slowly working out the issues. I figure a few more days like this and a stint in the loony bin and it should work. Poking around the system with SFTP, and I noticed in /root that XBMC created a subfolder. /.xbmc with the addons, system, userdata and so on. Even created databases. but hasn't continued to run.

Edit - Same damn error.

root@server:/opt/xbmc# XBMC_BIN_HOME=/usr/local/lib/xbmc XBMC_HOME=/usr/local/share/xbmc ./xbmcVideoLibraryScan
XBMC Media Center 12.0-ALPHA7 Git:20121031-606dc9d
Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Team XBMC -

Starting Video Library Scan

Can't open display
Segmentation fault

after 12 or so hours today searching out every single error, I'm calling it quits before my fist goes through my screen.
This is awesome to stumble across, I've been longing for a client / server approach to XBMC for 8 years Smile I've always thought how much it sucked that XBMC was a great frontend and MythTV was a good backend, yet they wouldn't talk to one another. Then came SABnzbd, SickBeard and CouchPotato and now I have 4 or 5 databases scattered around my headless server and various XBMC clients. This shared library with VicBitter's code will at least allow me to have a central SQL database that I can update without running a fat client all the time. It would be awesome though if an XBMC server did develop, especially along the lines of Logitech Squeezebox Server <- central server with it's own db and a web interface where I can update the library, turn clients off and on, provides a synchronization service for clients, etc. UPnP would also be good as per pervious comments in this thread.
(2012-11-01, 06:16)Bootlegninja Wrote: Edit - Same damn error.

root@server:/opt/xbmc# XBMC_BIN_HOME=/usr/local/lib/xbmc XBMC_HOME=/usr/local/share/xbmc ./xbmcVideoLibraryScan
XBMC Media Center 12.0-ALPHA7 Git:20121031-606dc9d
Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Team XBMC -

Starting Video Library Scan

Can't open display
Segmentation fault

after 12 or so hours today searching out every single error, I'm calling it quits before my fist goes through my screen.

What are the last lines you see in ~/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log?

I noticed a lot of seg faults with recent builds because of the database update code failing (I ran it through gdb, though) in glorious ways on my x64, simply nuked the old video table and everything worked fine afterwards
That was actually the point i was up too aswell, but i never followed through considering my boxes were eden. But i just tried the application again because your error was familiar. and as stated in the logs.. it was..

18:23:48 T:140419417524096   ERROR: SQL: Can't create database for copy: 'xbmc_videos60' (1007)
18:23:48 T:140419417524096   ERROR: Unable to copy old database xbmc_videos60 to new version xbmc_videos69
18:23:50 T:140419417524096   ERROR: JSONRPC Server: Failed to bind serversocket
etc. etc.

So can anyone see or understand what i'm saying now, and how this is overly complicated, or atleast a hit or miss for some people? and that its too reliant on alot off the xbmc as a whole. Hopefully future developments will be alot cleaner and user friendly. Considering even more people are jumping on board now..
Of course it is reliant on XBMC, it's a part of XBMC and if it wouldn't be it would probably be an even bigger mess trying to get it running and having it behave nicely with every new release of XBMC. You could probably help make it easier by reporting the issues with database update to the bug tracker :-)
Frals, you need to read the history on my statements too have an understanding off what I meant, none the less, I never actually criticized or shrugged off the lib solution, I was clearly voicing my opinion and questioning about the future of the solution and the situation as a whole. This will soon be the norm in the near future, now is the time too be mindful about it all and allow quicker adaption instead off complete rewrites etc. I didn't go too deep with the DB errors etc, because once i have it fully working, I wouldn't had been able to benefit from it nor test it untill I had frodo clients running, I was just giving my 2 cents for Bootlegninja so he didn't feel alone, so it wasn't a concern for me too place as a bug. Technically its not reliant on xbmc as a whole, but unless someone was willing too do alot off stripping from the source code, then the lib seems too be the best option atm. but read my other posts that also raises some concerns.
Quote:it's a part of XBMC and if it wouldn't be it would probably be an even bigger mess trying to get it running
come on, please be realistic, the bigger the beast, the harder they fall... more features in your car, the more that can go wrong... That's just common sense
(2012-10-31, 17:29)Bootlegninja Wrote: Alright, I've managed to compile XBMC from GIT successfully. From there, I've copied to /usr/lib and created the folder /opt/xbmc
From there, I'm not as sure as I don't know paths and exact file name of the binary.

Now, do I copy xbmcVideoLibraryScan.cpp and make_xbmcVideoLibraryScan (to where exactly?) and do the following? I have not run
make -f make_xbmcVideoLibraryScan all
since I don't know the location. Please excuse me on this, I'm just trying to make sure there is no room for error on my part. I do appreciate the extreme help you've all given on this.

Edit - I've now compiled xbmcVideoLibraryScan. Running it seems to be trickier. So far, it's error on, which I copied to /lib, and that solved that part. I'm just a bit confused now on what exactly to move to which location.

I've tried moving everything (/root/xbmc) to /opt/xbmc in hopes that's what you meant. I'm about cross eyed looking at this screen working it down to hopefully working. Above, in the original set of instructions, the launch script states a location of /usr/local

I'm lost, but close.

root@server:/opt/xbmc/xbmc# ./xbmcVideoLibraryScan
XBMC Media Center 12.0-ALPHA7 Git:20121031-606dc9d
Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Team XBMC -

Starting Video Library Scan

Unable to find path to XBMC data files!

Sorry to haven't answer sooner.

For xbmcVideoLibraryScan.cpp and make_xbmcVideoLibraryScan, copy them in a subfoler in /root/xbmc
(eg: mkdir /root/xbmc/server)

For /opt/xbmc, you should'nt have an other xbmc subfolder. From /root/xbmc:
cp -r addons /opt/xbmc/
cp -r language /opt/xbmc/
cp -r media /opt/xbmc/
cp -r sounds /opt/xbmc/
cp -r system /opt/xbmc/
cp -r userdata /opt/xbmc/

From /root/xbmc/server (or whatever folder you created)
cp xbmcVideoLibraryScan /opt/xbmc/

From /opt/xbmc

You don't need xbmc-randr or whatever.
(2012-11-01, 09:46)frals Wrote: What are the last lines you see in ~/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log?

I noticed a lot of seg faults with recent builds because of the database update code failing (I ran it through gdb, though) in glorious ways on my x64, simply nuked the old video table and everything worked fine afterwards

There are no logs in the 3 locations it's created home folders.

(2012-11-01, 13:03)Odon Wrote: Sorry to haven't answer sooner.

For xbmcVideoLibraryScan.cpp and make_xbmcVideoLibraryScan, copy them in a subfoler in /root/xbmc
(eg: mkdir /root/xbmc/server)

For /opt/xbmc, you should'nt have an other xbmc subfolder. From /root/xbmc:
cp -r addons /opt/xbmc/
cp -r language /opt/xbmc/
cp -r media /opt/xbmc/
cp -r sounds /opt/xbmc/
cp -r system /opt/xbmc/
cp -r userdata /opt/xbmc/

From /root/xbmc/server (or whatever folder you created)
cp xbmcVideoLibraryScan /opt/xbmc/

From /opt/xbmc

You don't need xbmc-randr or whatever.

Copied all files and folders. Same errors upon run attempts. Without xbmc-randr, it throws an error specificly listing that it's needed to run. With the file, it still gives a display error and segment fault.
(2012-11-01, 06:16)Bootlegninja Wrote: Well, one issue is that I'm stuck with this barebone distro of Squeeze due to the NAS software. Great NAS, but it will only run good on this god forsaken distro. As I've stated before, I've gone to the official forums for it and support there is almost non-existent. I once asked about how to get OMV running on Ubuntu and my account was deleted.

But I'm slowly working out the issues. I figure a few more days like this and a stint in the loony bin and it should work. Poking around the system with SFTP, and I noticed in /root that XBMC created a subfolder. /.xbmc with the addons, system, userdata and so on. Even created databases. but hasn't continued to run.

Edit - Same damn error.

root@server:/opt/xbmc# XBMC_BIN_HOME=/usr/local/lib/xbmc XBMC_HOME=/usr/local/share/xbmc ./xbmcVideoLibraryScan
XBMC Media Center 12.0-ALPHA7 Git:20121031-606dc9d
Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Team XBMC -

Starting Video Library Scan

Can't open display
Segmentation fault

after 12 or so hours today searching out every single error, I'm calling it quits before my fist goes through my screen.

I have reworked the sample xbmcVideoLibraryScan to resolve the Segmentation fault issue with the latest XBMC code from HEAD... You can grab it here...
just compiled and tried. no joy. But thank you none the less.

root@server:/opt/xbmc# ./xbmcVideoLibraryScan
Can't open display
XBMC Media Center 12.0-ALPHA7 Git:20121101-30ef98c
Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Team XBMC -

Starting Video Library Scan

Segmentation fault

I'm taking a break from this. been at it all morning compiling a fresh XBMC. Got errands to run.
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