ios 5.1.1 update pros and cons
I also upgraded to 5.1.1 and was thinking it was taking up more memory. I cleared the movie folders as per other instructions on this site

But they seem to fill up quicker than before (4.4)

I am wondering if it also has to do with me adding a few more plug ins than I had before. I restored my user settings from previous installations, but I no longer use some of the plug ins (I'm looking at you, Icefilms) Maybe there is still data and settings left over from those plug ins even if I have uninstalled them via the XBMC settings?

Either way, I think there are some things that run alot smoother on iOS 5 w/ XBMC (loading files, starting streams, buffering)

One thing I don't like is that I have to select XBMC from the main menu (icon) then I have to select it AGAIN like in a drop down.....What is that all about? 2 clicks to do one thing? Am I missing something?
Fritz Boyle


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RE: ios 5.1.1 update pros and cons - by fritzboyle - 2012-06-11, 23:56
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