Wake on Lan before XBMC start
After searching the forum for an solution for my problem, now i'm ready to post my question here. I'm trying to start my MySQL Server from my atv2 via wake on lan before XBMC ist starting. I tried it with autoexec.py but it seems that the wol request happend After XBMC load the information from the MySQL Server. Has anybody a Solution for that Problem?

Thanks in advance!
I think there are some things being looked into for this, but I have no idea on an ETA. One possible work around would be to enable profiles (wiki), have the default profile not connect to MySQL but still run the WOL command via script. Then select your normal MySQL set up via another profile, and it should be awake by then.
Thank you very much for your fast replay and your suggestion! But i think my girlfriend could slightlly overcharged in using this Big Grin.
In thread http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid...=Preflight davilla wrote about the use of preflight. Could this be a Way to go?

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