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Release MyPicsDB: Pictures DB with EXIF, IPTC & XMP tags
I just installed this add-on on Eden 11.00.
I cant understand where to set up the thing to browse where my pictures are located (which would be helpful) so I get nothing in the database.
There seems no way to point it to my photos which are stored on a network drive. Secondly, now I've installed it there appears no means to uninstall it. !!

So someone who knows can you please tell me
a: whre I find the "browse to.. " to enable it to pick up my photos or..
b: failing the above how I get rid of the thing...
(2012-08-31, 17:35)umanbean Wrote: a: whre I find the "browse to.. " to enable it to pick up my photos or..
a) You must add picture sources to XBMC
b) Within MyPicsDB select menu "Paths of pictures folders" to add these paths to the database.

HINT: Net shares or use of a NAS
Python add-ons aren't able to access remote files! This will change with Frodo due to amendment of xbmcvfs.

To access remote files there are two possibilities depending on your used OS.

a) Windows client with SMB access to NAS
The path to a remote SMB source is stored in XBMC like SMB://server/directory
This is changed by MyPicsDB to \\server\directory
Therefore it'll work on Windows if the local user has access to the remote directory.
To give him access you must use the same User/Password combination on Windows and on the NAS.

b) Linux, MacOS, OpenELEC
These OS are Unix based and they don't support UNC paths like Windows.
You must locally mount your remote directory and then add the local mount point to XBMC as a picture source.
Afterwards MyPicsDB can access the "local" pictures.

(2012-08-31, 17:35)umanbean Wrote: b: failing the above how I get rid of the thing...
No log no help.
Main page:
Repository: Xycl Repository Leia
Repository: Xycl Repository Matrix
(2012-09-03, 12:38)Xycl Wrote:
(2012-08-31, 17:35)umanbean Wrote: a: whre I find the "browse to.. " to enable it to pick up my photos or..
a) You must add picture sources to XBMC
b) Within MyPicsDB select menu "Paths of pictures folders" to add these paths to the database.

HINT: Net shares or use of a NAS
Python add-ons aren't able to access remote files! This will change with Frodo due to amendment of xbmcvfs.

To access remote files there are two possibilities depending on your used OS.

a) Windows client with SMB access to NAS
The path to a remote SMB source is stored in XBMC like SMB://server/directory
This is changed by MyPicsDB to \\server\directory
Therefore it'll work on Windows if the local user has access to the remote directory.
To give him access you must use the same User/Password combination on Windows and on the NAS.

b) Linux, MacOS, OpenELEC
These OS are Unix based and they don't support UNC paths like Windows.
You must locally mount your remote directory and then add the local mount point to XBMC as a picture source.
Afterwards MyPicsDB can access the "local" pictures.

(2012-08-31, 17:35)umanbean Wrote: b: failing the above how I get rid of the thing...

I am still unclear how to use this .
I already have added the picture source to XBMC . Are you saying this wont work for me because the files are on a remote NAS?
(2012-09-04, 15:44)umanbean Wrote: Are you saying this wont work for me because the files are on a remote NAS?
No I didn't say that.
(2012-09-03, 12:38)Xycl Wrote: To access remote files there are two possibilities depending on your used OS.
No log no help.
Main page:
Repository: Xycl Repository Leia
Repository: Xycl Repository Matrix
OK so I am using Windows 7. I manually complete the path to where my photos are stored on my NAS in the form \\server\directory\ etc. and I do this under the tab FILES in the setup for the add-on. (where it says JPG ETC ETC.

I press OK to save and run the add-on . It should populate the databse but it doesnt. Nothing is found.

What am I doing wrong ??
We don't speak the same language.

I told you:
a) You must add picture sources to XBMC
b) Within MyPicsDB select menu "Paths of pictures folders" to add these paths to the database.

To be able to access a NAS connected with SMB you must make sure that the Windows user, you are working with, is able to access the NAS without entering a new password or different user.
No log no help.
Main page:
Repository: Xycl Repository Leia
Repository: Xycl Repository Matrix
Other possibility, perhaps easier for you.
Bind the nas to a drive character.
Then you can access it like x:\pictures.
This works with MyPicsDB, too.
No log no help.
Main page:
Repository: Xycl Repository Leia
Repository: Xycl Repository Matrix
I have the same confusion as umanbean. I have added picture folders to XBMC. They are remote on a NAS and I am using XBMC on Windows 7. They are added using mapped network drives and can be viewed fine.
Xycl, you say "Within MyPicsDB select menu "Paths of pictures folders" to add these paths to the database"

The problem we seem to be having is there is no menu item that I can see titled "Paths to picture folders". In your plugin settings there are thre tabs (General, Files, Menu Items) Under Files menu the only one that looks relevant is "Folder to scan" which is populated by default with JPG|JPEG|TIF etc. Is this where I put the path to my picture library?

I have tried this using drive letters, UNCs but the plugin never indexes anything.

Please help as the plugin looks just what I am looking for if I can only get it to scan my pictures.
If you added the picture folder(s) to XBMC using mapped network drives then start MyPicsDB (not the config).
On the bottom of the menu list there is the item "Paths of picture folders".
In the new list the first item is "Add path to database".
Selecting this will open a browse dialog containing your defined XBMC picture sources.

The configuration item "Folder to scan" has a wrong english translation.
That's the reason I asked several times to translate the add-on into your native language.
It should be "Picture extensions".
I'll change this with the new upcomming release.
No log no help.
Main page:
Repository: Xycl Repository Leia
Repository: Xycl Repository Matrix
Xycl, I think the underlying user confusion here is that fact that the user needs to first add the file via the regular Pictures source and, then add it to the MyPicsDB add-on. Is there anyway that the add-on could call the underlying core XBMC Pictures "add source" directly, thus avoiding the two step process which is confusing to new users?

Of course, there's an additional step in the case of a network drive, that requires mounting outside XBMC completely, hence making it a three step process, but until XBMC core can handle that, there's not much that can be done within the add-on.
I too specifically / definitively added my direct path as a source via SMB share, but still scans nothing whether i added manually via the path to scan menu option or after adding as a Picture source first....and xbmc.log still says it can't 'find the directory/path/folder' ?
Via the source, i can see images natively thru the xbmc gui no problem. Looking forward to trying this / getting to work, can't believe I missed this out on the repo for so long.
Im on XBMCbuntu 11 with images on Windows NTFS shares / NAS.
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(2012-09-10, 01:02)transcender Wrote: Im on XBMCbuntu 11 with images on Windows NTFS shares / NAS.

(2012-09-03, 12:38)Xycl Wrote: To access remote files there are two possibilities depending on your used OS.

b) Linux, MacOS, OpenELEC
These OS are Unix based and they don't support UNC paths like Windows.
You must locally mount your remote directory and then add the local mount point to XBMC as a picture source.
Afterwards MyPicsDB can access the "local" pictures.
No log no help.
Main page:
Repository: Xycl Repository Leia
Repository: Xycl Repository Matrix
(2012-09-09, 20:42)fiveisalive Wrote: Xycl, I think the underlying user confusion here is that fact that the user needs to first add the file via the regular Pictures source and, then add it to the MyPicsDB add-on. Is there anyway that the add-on could call the underlying core XBMC Pictures "add source" directly, thus avoiding the two step process which is confusing to new users?

Of course, there's an additional step in the case of a network drive, that requires mounting outside XBMC completely, hence making it a three step process, but until XBMC core can handle that, there's not much that can be done within the add-on.

I don't know about a possibility to tell the browse dialog to show the root path or all drive letters.
No log no help.
Main page:
Repository: Xycl Repository Leia
Repository: Xycl Repository Matrix
Testing the 1.0.0 version of the add-on with the latest Frodo from git, I get the following error:

04:27:01 T:140640878601984   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
                                            Error Contents: argument "path" for method "XBMCAddon::xbmc::translatePath" must be unicode or str
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/home/myth/Documents/team-xbmc/frodo-installed/share/xbmc/portable_data/addons/plugin.image.mypicsdb/", line 72, in <module>
                                                import MypicsDB as MPDB
                                              File "/home/myth/Documents/team-xbmc/frodo-installed/share/xbmc/portable_data/addons/plugin.image.mypicsdb/resources/lib/", line 20, in <module>
                                                import  xbmcaddon
                                            TypeError: argument "path" for method "XBMCAddon::xbmc::translatePath" must be unicode or str
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--

is there an issue with the translations?
This has nothing to do with translations. It translates "special" XBMC paths to OS paths.
Obviously something changed in Frodo. But I don't know what.
No log no help.
Main page:
Repository: Xycl Repository Leia
Repository: Xycl Repository Matrix
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MyPicsDB: Pictures DB with EXIF, IPTC & XMP tags1