[RELEASE] Commands - Map multiple xbmc commands to one remote button
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This addon is not just essential, it is excellent. In fact it is so good that after a while you cannot use it effectively without a cheat sheet documenting all your mappings. Which generates the following feature request: A cheat sheet printable on-screen.

Kodi cannot (yet) read/display text-based PDFs, but since it can print log files on-screen it surely can do the same for TXT/HTML/XML/MD-based cheat sheets.
I want to make a command to export my library. I want to have it create separate files, save thumbnails, not save actor thumbnails, and not overwrite existing. I looked at the wiki with the commands list but when I tried to make it would just lock up kodi. here is the command I made exportlibrary(video,separate,true,false,false). I am new to commands add-ons. Any help would be appreciated.
(2022-01-18, 11:54)DiMag Wrote: since it can print log files on-screen it surely can do the same for TXT/HTML/XML/MD-based cheat sheets.

Kodi can already display xml & txt files.  Just use the file manager to navigate to one and try opening it.  The contents should be displayed on screen.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2022-01-21, 10:05)black_eagle Wrote:
(2022-01-18, 11:54)DiMag Wrote: Kodi can already display xml & txt files.  Just use the file manager to navigate to one and try opening it.  The contents should be displayed on screen.
Thanks a lot @black_eagle , did not even think of it!
Is this how Kodi displays log files on-screen? What is the command to tell Filemanager to open a file (in this case the pre-prepared cheat sheet) and print the content on screen?

P.S. To look really good on screen the cheat sheet must be either in pdf format, which your answer implies Kodi cannot (yet) open, or in xml with the ability to interpret the text formatting tags. My experience with reading xml based log files in Kodi tells me that this isn't possible; they are parsed as if they were mere text. Am I right?

If this is so, the only way to have a well-formatted cheat sheet printed on-screen is to convert it to a png then open it in pictures. Or even better per an action (menu, submenu or button) in home screen. Or assign it as a wallpaper to the settings screen. Correct?
(2022-01-24, 10:54)DiMag Wrote: Is this how Kodi displays log files on-screen?

(2022-01-24, 10:54)DiMag Wrote: What is the command to tell Filemanager to open a file (in this case the pre-prepared cheat sheet) and print the content on screen?

Just click on a file that Kodi understands in the filemanager and it will be displayed in a dialog box, exactly the same as a log file.
(2022-01-24, 10:54)DiMag Wrote: My experience with reading xml based log files in Kodi tells me that this isn't possible; they are parsed as if they were mere text. Am I right?

Yes, that's correct.  Kodi will display the <tags> but won't do anything with them.
(2022-01-24, 10:54)DiMag Wrote: f this is so, the only way to have a well-formatted cheat sheet printed on-screen is to convert it to a png then open it in pictures. Or even better per an action (menu, submenu or button) in home screen. Or assign it as a wallpaper to the settings screen. Correct?

Yeah, any of those methods should work.
Learning Linux the hard way !!

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[RELEASE] Commands - Map multiple xbmc commands to one remote button1
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