[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler
I can't seem to get the scrobbler to work either. Windows 8, pulled through the XBMC Add-ons as Trakt.tv says to do. I don't necessarily see anything in the XBMC log file - I can't even tell if it's trying to update Trakt? I see some errors for add-ons but it appears to be related to PVRs...


I have the Add-on enabled, configured, and I have both Movies and TV Shows enabled under the scrobbler tab.

I know this forum isn't about Sickbeard but I have Trakt enabled on Sickbeard notifications and I downloaded 12 episodes overnight and I don't have any of those in my history either.

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RE: [RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler - by meissen - 2013-01-05, 04:17
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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler13