The latest nightly build ignoring Advancedsettings.xml

I'm using the latest nightly build from September 9th. Using it to fix my sync issues and it works great....except that it is ignoring my advancedsettings.xml. Everything in that xml worked before, but now it completely ignores it. Acts like it isn't even there.

What's up?

Windows 7

Getting this in the error log:

02:23:27 T:3168 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml)
02:23:27 T:3168 ERROR: Error loading special://profile/advancedsettings.xml, Line 45
Error reading end tag.
need Debug Log
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Here's my advanced settings:



<!-- Settings for when "Adjust refreshrate to match video fps" is enabled, available since r33806. -->
<!-- NOT available in the Dharma release or any release before that -->

<!-- "Adjust refreshrate to match video fps" will try to select the best refreshrate for the video fps -->
<!-- but it doesn't always get it right, for example it might switch to an unsupported refreshrate. -->

<!-- You can add overrides here to switch to a certain refreshrate based on video fps -->
<!-- It's possible to add as many overrides as you need. -->
<!-- Overrides are processed in order, if the first one doesn't match the fps or no refreshrates match -->
<!-- that override, it will try the next one until no overrides are left -->

<fpsmin>27</fpsmin> <!-- You can also specify the fps range yourself -->
<refreshmin>29</refreshmin> <!-- Same for the refreshrate -->

<fpsmin>22</fpsmin> <!-- You can also specify the fps range yourself -->
<refreshmin>23</refreshmin> <!-- Same for the refreshrate -->


(2012-09-12, 09:30)Martijn Wrote: need debug log

02:23:27 T:3168 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml)
02:23:27 T:3168 ERROR: Error loading special://profile/advancedsettings.xml, Line 45
Error reading end tag.
Still need the debug log (wiki) Martijn requested above. Upload it to and post the URL link for the uploaded log here with your reply.
What you posted is not the debug log (wiki), it's just a single error message extracted from your log. Without context, it is of little value. Be sure you enable debug log (wiki)ging in XBMC first, exit XBMC, restart XBMC so that the error is captured with debugging enabled.
The closing tag for <adjustrefreshrate> is missing...
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
Alright, here we go. My bad, guys. My advanced settings should do the following:

- Clean the library after the initial scan
- Force the refresh rate to not go above 30 Hz because my display doesn't support above that
- Force PAL 25p videos to display at 24p, because I can't get it to display any other way.

In this log, I opened XBMC. Tried running a TV show that I know would make my secondary monitor display higher than 30 Hz (usually the advancedsettings.xml caps it), and of course it blacks out my monitor. So, I exit out of the TV show and went into PseudoTV. It knocked me out so I went back in and it worked until I got on a show that did the same thing the original TV show does.
(2012-09-12, 09:59)arnova Wrote: The closing tag for <adjustrefreshrate> is missing...

Have you actually read this ^^
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(2012-09-12, 10:16)Martijn Wrote:
(2012-09-12, 09:59)arnova Wrote: The closing tag for <adjustrefreshrate> is missing...

Have you actually read this ^^
Sorry, I didn't have the page refreshed when I looked at that. It's back up and working!

I feel like a total moron missing that, totally on my bad. Now if only I can get those 25p videos to just display in 1080i 30Hz so it doesn't have judder/stutter or whatever so the 24p can catch up!
Ooooooooook, new problem.

XBMC is abruptly pausing videos after so long. Watched two episodes of TV and had to back out and resume each one after about 15-20 minutes of play. I can't resume very quickly, I have to either wait for the pause logo to turn into play and hit that, but then it usually pauses within a second again. Then, I have to back out and resume.
03:44:43 T:7432 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::Get - asked for new data packet, with nothing available
03:44:44 T:1932 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(video)::Get - asked for new data packet, with nothing available

seems to be the culprit possibly
New problem = new thread... Re-using an old thread for a different problem is confusing...
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
(2012-09-12, 11:26)arnova Wrote: New problem = new thread... Re-using an old thread for a different problem is confusing...

Gotcha, didn't want you guys to get mad making a new thread so quickly.

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The latest nightly build ignoring Advancedsettings.xml0