XBMC for MeeGo project still alive and used in SDK for Intel CE set-top box platforms
Seems to me like most people here (including Team-XBMC developers?) have missed this piece of not so new XBMC news?!

XBMC for MeeGo project is still alive and kicking as part of the MeeGo TV project, and XBMC is being used used in their SDK for Cocom Intel CE set-top box platforms!


MeeGo TV 1.2.2 on Cocom Intel CE hardware demo video:


MeeGo Smart TV project is specifically designed as 10-foot GUI set-top boxes and television sets, and it actually uses a forked/ported version of XBMC PVR as their reference software.


They sell Intel CE4100, CE4200 and CE5300 development set-top box platforms for MeeGo TV suite on http://shop.cc-e.eu with their XBMC PVR fork as part of the Software Developers Kit


Not 100% sure if MeeGo Smart TV devices with XBMC can be found in the wild yet, as unfortunate they don't advertise it, though their aim look to be making it into a framework standard.

More information is hidden away on the MeeGo TV mailing-list


Looks like it is Dominique Le Foll from Intel OTC (Open Source Technology Center) is in charge of the MeeGo TV project and Brendan Le Foll is the main XBMC for MeeGo developer.



My questions if if the MeeGo TV and Intel developers are working with Team-XBMC or not and if any of their code will ever make it upstream into mainline XBMC?
(2012-09-15, 04:16)davilla Wrote: https://github.com/theuni/xbmc/tree/cex-abandoned
So you guys have previously already ported XBMC for Linux to some Intel CEx hardware before but abandoned that project for some reason?

Any plans to just merge that "GSTPlayer" GStreamer player from it into mainline XBMC, even if only 'as is' for others to use the code as a reference player if they wish to port to a new platform?

I know many people that hate GStreamer but there also many that prefer it when doing the initial porting to a new platform, and then there would be no need for them to reinvent the wheel.

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't, for better and worse.
gstplayer merge is planned, but might not make it for Eden.
*Frodo? Cool!
Grr, Frodo Smile

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XBMC for MeeGo project still alive and used in SDK for Intel CE set-top box platforms0