Extracting stream URL for a shahid.mbc.net video (Delve Streaming)
Hey guys,

I am building a plugin for shahid.net. It was originally based on the API that their iPad app was using - except that the iPad gets served with m3u8 stream files, which are currently not supported by XBMC, or so it seems.

Anyway, plan B... is to scrape their website.

Take the following page as an example:

When you goto this page and look at the source, you will notice that they are using a player - http://assets.delvenetworks.com/player/loader.swf. Looking up the delvenetworks... it seems these guys use 'the Delve Streaming server' which is based on RTMPE (http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/34313...in-HD-Help) - whatever that is.

Is anyone able to put me on the right track on how I would be able to successfully scrape the file stream that is served by the URL above?

Using fiddler, I know that for the above link, the answer is the following link:
http://mbc3.cpl.delvenetworks.com/media/...18229d38a5 (it seems this URL expires with time since it stopped working after time for me)

Your assistance is appreciated.

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Extracting stream URL for a shahid.mbc.net video (Delve Streaming)0