[RELEASE] xbmcswift2 - plugin framework
Is it possible to do something similar to setart using xbmcswift2?

Here's a snippet of my code:
current_item = []
current_item = {
'label' : current_name, 'thumbnail' : current_thumbnail,
'path' : current_page
'info' : {'genre': current_genre, 'credits': current_credits, 'date': current_date, 'plot': current_plot, 'trailer': current_trailer},
properties' : {'fanart_image' : current_fanart, 'banner' : current_banner, 'clearlogo': current_clearlogo, 'poster': current_thumbnail}
The fanart image and thumbnail set correctly, but the banner, poster, clear logo, etc don't seem to be settable (if i go into the listitem in Kodi, and select info, then Choose Art, the banner, poster, etc are listed as None). Is there a way to be able to set the art for the keys listed for available info labels here: 16 Images Available in Kodi

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RE: [RELEASE] xbmcswift2 - plugin framework - by zachmorris - 2015-06-04, 02:46
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[RELEASE] xbmcswift2 - plugin framework2