Release [MOD] scrapers for TV shows and Movies
I had an issue with the scraper not matching anime titles with (*, /, ?, :, ", <, >, |) (Example: Seikai no Danshou: Tanjou)

It takes the invalid names (stuff with *, /, ?, :, ", <, >, |) and strips out the invalid characters and places it above the invalid line.
The file gets updated automatically once per hour. To use it just change the "Anime list URL" to

<anime aid="6">
        <title type="main" xml:lang="x-jat">Seikai no Danshou Tanjou</title>
        <title type="main" xml:lang="x-jat">Seikai no Danshou: Tanjou</title>
        <title type="official" xml:lang="en">Crest of the Stars Birth</title>
        <title type="official" xml:lang="en">Crest of the Stars: Birth</title>
        <title type="official" xml:lang="ja">星界の断章 誕生</title>
        <title type="short" xml:lang="x-jat">SnD</title>
        <title type="syn" xml:lang="en">Crest of the Stars Fragment Birth of Stars</title>
        <title type="syn" xml:lang="en">Crest of the Stars: Fragment Birth of Stars</title>
        <title type="syn" xml:lang="en">Lost Chapter of the Stars</title>
        <title type="syn" xml:lang="x-jat">Seikai no Monshou Birth</title>
        <title type="syn" xml:lang="zh-Hans">星界的断章</title>

Messages In This Thread
RE: - by scudlee - 2013-10-12, 17:42
RE: [RELEASE] [MOD] scrapers for TV shows and Movies - by blaize9 - 2015-05-29, 06:44
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[MOD] scrapers for TV shows and Movies8