New user: need help organizing movies
Hi Everyone,

I's like to organize my movies by:

1) English Movies
2) Polish Movies
3) Stand up comedy

When I enter into the movies section all other movie types are present (i.e. 1), 2), and 3) from above). When clicking movies I would only like to see English movies, and then be able to sort by genre. For Polish movies it would be the same thing, the home screen would have a Polish Movies selection, excluding 1) and 2), and then all the Polish movies would be able to be sorted by genre. Any help would be appreciated.

You could use smartplaylists to create separate lists of each category you've mentioned.

To take it a step further there is a feature in the upcoming version of XBMC called library nodes that can potentially get you to what you want.

Have a look here to get an idea of what it can do:
Assuming you're sticking with XBMC 11 for now, smart playlists are the way to go.

If you have your english movies in 1 directory and polish ones in another, it would make sorting them very easy.


Create a smart playlist for movies where the path is D:\Movies\Polish. Create another for D:\Movies\English. Then all you have to do is add them as a main menu item(skin dependant). Should do the trick Smile
Well, if it's by language then smart playlists should be able to filter by audio language.

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New user: need help organizing movies0