Win Auto Proxy Configuration & XBMC
Does the new version of kodi 2019 work with pac proxy?
Proxies are a pretty ancient technology not used that much these days (and never pretty much at home)

Can you connect your device to a network that doesn't require a proxy
(2019-05-12, 18:14)jools5000 Wrote: Proxies are a pretty ancient technology not used that much these days (and never pretty much at home)

Can you connect your device to a network that doesn't require a proxy

1. Bull shit.
3. It has nothing to do with the question.
3. But you you can try write to developer, for disable this in kodi.
3. Maybe you like use shitty overkilled VPN services?
4. So ancient that Google’s company improved proxy support for android starting with the Lolipop version, introducing PAC proxy support there?

Tone it down a few notches, we're not in the mood for your poorly chosen language.

FYI: our wiki does not allow hotlinking images.
(2019-05-13, 12:54)Klojum Wrote: @FreakMurderer

Tone it down a few notches, we're not in the mood for your poorly chosen language.

FYI: our wiki does not allow hotlinking images.

Implement PAC proxy, man
I love to have PAC proxy support with a file or a link on Kodi. I am putting here a link, maybe one dev wants to check.

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Auto Proxy Configuration & XBMC0