Win HOW TO - Solve audio problems + video stutter (audio induced)
Yeah, I've turned off those options in my AVR. When I do, my system doesn't seem to handle handshaking very well. Connect remotely - I mean I do most of my HTPC configuration using Teamviewer off my main desktop. After the HTPC wakes from sleep, I get a black screen when connecting through Teamviewer. I have to turn on my TV to be able to view my HTPC desktop through Teamviewer. If I have HDMI control on, this is not an issue. I'll also get it a Windows error that my video card does not have enough RAM to support whatever it is trying to support.

EDID - I created it myself using the instructions given. I would imagine that they are correct but asking Tulli to verify

I believe the second HDMI device is my sound card? Not sure what else it would be otherwise. The drivers are generic ones but I can see about installing the ASUS drivers if it would make any difference. I just didn't think it would since the AMD device is what is used?


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RE: [Windows] HOW TO - Trouble Shoot Audio (from Frodo) - by andyd - 2013-04-30, 14:13
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HOW TO - Solve audio problems + video stutter (audio induced)10