Try to play video, PC hangs and then cant boot (no boot device)

Well the subject says it all really, my scenario

1. Try to play stream/movie (movie loaded from SMB, stream from
2. The pc completley hangs and dosnt do anything (not accessible from ssh either), this can go on forever I guess. I had the pc running for 5h after which I decided to restart
3. PC boots up but puts out the message "there is no boot device, please insert one" (bios printing this one)

I'd really like to give you logs but as I cant access the hdd anymore, im unable to

Im running

Motherboard - ASRock E350M1 AMD Fusion
HDD - Corsair SSD Nova Series™ V32, 32GB

And an Antec ISK 110 case with orginal PSU (90w?)

I've reinstalled the PC about 5-6 times now, everytime the same error and outcome

Som im here, wondering if anyone can help out?

PS. Tried this with OE 2.0, 2.95.1 and 2.95.2. All with the same error - Will try XBMCbuntu and see if it happends there aswell

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Try to play video, PC hangs and then cant boot (no boot device)0