Linux [BUG?] Alsa audio not working after passthrough XBMCbuntu frodo beta 3
I am curious if someone else has this problem on XBMCbuntu frodo beta 3.
When I start playing a video audio switches to passthrough. When I stop playing the video it doesn't switch back to my audio output device. So no menu sounds and playing music stops working.
This gets fixed when I goto system -> audio output -> audio output device and walk through the settings again.

Debug log with debugging enabled
On line 2684 I try to play a music file after playing a video file (line 1857). Everything seems ok, but no sound coming out of the speakers.
On line 3265 I walk through the settings after which the sound works again.
On line 3904 playing the audio file again which works now.

My ~/.asoundrc

maurice@XBMCbuntu:~$ cat ~/.asoundrc
# ~/.asoundrc

# soundcard and device to use
pcm.snd_card {
    type hw
    card 1
    device 3
    channels 2

# dmix plugin configuration - playback mixer
pcm.pmix {
    type dmix
    ipc_key 1024 # unique IPC key
    slave {
        pcm "snd_card"
        period_time 0 # reset to the default value
        period_size 1024 # in bytes
        # buffer_size or periods can be commented
        # they both represent the same thing in different values
        buffer_size 8192 # in bytes
        # periods 128 # INT
        rate 48000
    bindings {
        0 0
        1 1

# redirect default PCM device into dmix (pmix) plugin
pcm.!default {
    type plug # auto rate conversion plugin
    slave.pcm "pmix"

# legacy OSS /dev/dsp support, also redirects intp dmix (pmix) plugin
pcm.dsp0 {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "pmix"
# redirect OSS control into used soundcard
ctl.dsp0 {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "snd_card"
# redirect OSS mixer into used soundcard
ctl.mixer0 {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "snd_card"

Setting Audio output device in XBMC: HDA (NVidia) pmix, HDMI 0
Passthrough output device in XBMC: HDA NVidia, SAM SAMSUNG on HDMI

I hadn't have this problem on frodo beta 1.

maurice118 (aka divx118)

Same issue on frodo RC1, if no one else has this issue I think I be better of going back to beta 1. Atleast until I have some time to look at the code myself. Smile

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[BUG?] Alsa audio not working after passthrough XBMCbuntu frodo beta 30