XBOX 360 Media Remote on XBMCbuntu
If you promise not to make fun of my scripting skills (lack of) Smile

This is a bash script and it must be run as root. (pastebin sitcks a bunch of carriage returns into the script and messed it up)

This should be better

when asked type in the name of your xbmc user

It will create 4 files and back them up if they already exist.


reboot and this wonderful remote should be working

EDIT: I guess you meant a different remote (media remote). Guess I cant read Sad
This is the one I made the script for.

Cant beat $16


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RE: XBOX 360 Media Remote on XBMCbuntu - by FishOil - 2013-01-05, 09:01
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XBOX 360 Media Remote on XBMCbuntu3