[AE] XBMC constantly hogging audio device
I just upgraded XBMC from a GIT build (12/10/16) to Frodo RC3 and noticed that XBMC keeps hogging the audio device in Frodo RC3. There is no way for me to use external players, even when XBMC is idle. In the October GIT build I was coming from I could set:

in advancedsettings.xml, but as of Frodo RC3 setting this key to any value (0, 1, true, false) does not make any difference - XBMC keeps blocking the ALSA device.

With debugging enabled I always get this after playing an audio stream:
DEBUG: CSoftAE::Run - Sink restart flagged

I believe that this is where the behavior comes from. XBMC used to suspend the sink after playback, but after upgrading to Frodo RC3 it simply restarts it. This causes some external players to segfault, as the audio device is still claimed by XBMC.

How can I fix this? Is there a way to force XBMC to suspend an audio sink?

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[AE] XBMC constantly hogging audio device - by vfred - 2013-01-06, 12:40
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