xbmc.Dialog + JSON API = Not working??

I tried to search around for this and might have missed a fix but I am having an issue. I am using JSON API Input commands to navigate the GUI and also Player.Open to launch movies with PleXBMC. Everything works fine except when I try and launch a movie that has already been started PleXBMC pops up a "Resume Playback?" dialog which is great except I can no longer control the GUI to select if I want to resume or not with the JSON API. I tried both variations (Input.Down, Input.Up, etc and Input.ExecuteAction with the param) and nothing. I pull out the "official XBMC remote control" on my iPhone and it works without an issue and lets me pick. So my question: Is there something special I need to do to control dialogs in JSON?

Here is some technical information if it helps you get to the root cause and get me moving on my coding...

This is how PleXBMC opens the dialog:
displayTime = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(resume)))
        dialogOptions = [ "Resume from " + displayTime , "Start from beginning"]
        printDebug( "We have part way through video.  Display resume dialog")
        startTime = xbmcgui.Dialog()
        result = startTime.select('Resuming playback..',dialogOptions)

        if result == -1:

This is how I have tried to call the down command over port 9090 with a TCP client (note that both methods work when in the main GUI)



{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Input.ExecuteAction", "params": {"action": "down"}, "id":1}

Any ideas?

Can you see the command being received in the log?
AWXi - Ajax web interface. Wiki
There was some changes but only recently to correct this use case.

The official use EventServer that was not concern with this "bug".

This should no more be a problem with recent Frodo builds.
Thanks for the info Tolriq! I am assuming this hasn't hit one of the RCs as I am running RC3 on my Raspberry Pi. If so I will await the new RC to come out to test again.


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xbmc.Dialog + JSON API = Not working??0