Intermittent Stutter
I would really appreciate some help on an ongoing XBMC Stutter problem that I have. My set up is a HP Proliant N40L server running Windows Server 2012 as my media source through shares. This plugs straight in to my router through a wired connection.

I have a media PC running windows 8 with XBMC installed and the shares added for movies, tv shows etc. Sometimes when I watch a movie is will play through completely fine. Other times, it will freeze once every 5-10 minutes for a period of 1 to 30 seconds. It is completely random, there seems to be rhyme nor reason. I have tried the usual settings changes etc and would really appreciate some advice. Here's the log:
Hi all, thanks for all the replies. Absolutely inundated Smile

However, I found the issue which I thought I'd share. I am in the UK and have Virginmedia Broadband and the Superhub. My HTPC and server were both plugged in to the ports on the Superhub.

After checking just about everything I could think of on the HTPC and Server, I decided to try putting a switch in my network and connecting both the HTPC and Server to that. Effectively, taking the Superhub out of the network and using as a modem. Hey presto, the random stutter has stopped. I can only assume the Superhub was running a check or something every so often that would lag the network.

Hopefully this may help someone else in the future.
My issue came back and I've continued to have intermittent stutter on XBMC with Windows 8 64 bit. I've tried updating all drivers, changing all movies and audio settings per various threads. Nothing helped. I knew it wasn't my network connection due to running various speed tests confirming max throughput.

Finally I've found a solution!!! Plex!!!

It works fantastically well and no stutter. I can therefore only conclude XBMC has an issue with my hardware configuration or drivers. I am running a A8-3870K APU.

The only downside I can see so far is that it doesn't play rar files so I've had to unpack them all, a small (time consuming) price to pay. The pluses are huge, no stutter, frees up space on my HTPC since media info is stored on my server and NO STUTTER!
You should try XBMC without the rar files =)
I've tried various file types. Rar or non-rar, I still got intermittent stutter with XBMC but I don't with Plex. Don't get me wrong, I loved XBMC and slightly prefer the interface and ease of use but I can't go on tinkering forever when something like Plex works straight out of the box (so to speak)

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