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[Release] Language Preference Manager
Version 0.0.2 released! Check the first post for the changelog and link.
Thanks. This update is exactly what I was looking for.

Not bad for your first encounter with python.
@tevi thanks! I'm glad to hear this.

@Wimpie does the language selection based on file names work as you expected?

(2013-02-06, 11:07)Wimpie Wrote:
(2013-02-05, 15:40)ace20022 Wrote:
Quote:------ a native english movie would be correct with dutch subtitles ...

I already thought about a language "production language", but afaik xbmc does not store this info. Maybe I can use a hand-made map like "USA - English".

I have already sorted in directories, by other criteria, my movies. It's (nearly) impossible to re-arrange them for "production language".

If you mean you would like to make a map/list with movienames/production languages, then I would preffer to tag the filename with a "Audiostream_x" tag. Can not get lost and is always for the correct movie (different version of the same movie (uncut/ dir cut/....)).

No, if the video that is played is stored in the db and properly scraped the addon can query the production country, which albeit can differ from the production language but this is not stored/scraped. So I could add country names to this "list": https://github.com/ace20022/service.Lang...ngcodes.py . Of course, this is error-prone and I would need some help from the users.
(2013-02-18, 15:47)ace20022 Wrote: @Wimpie does the language selection based on file names work as you expected?

I think I'm doing somerhing wrong, because I can't get it to work.

The filename is: "Big Country, The (1958).BluRay.audiostream_4.subtitle_4.iso" (the file has 6 audio tracks and 16 subtitle tracks)

When I enable the "audio preferences" and/or the "subtitle preferences", then these work as one expects (thus LPM is working/enabled) (these settings give me german audio and subtitles)

When I select also "Try to set the audio and/or subtitle track from the filename first", then nothing happens. I mean with this that I still get german audio and subtitles. I should be getting both french.

If I disable the "audio preferences" and the "subtile prefereces", then I get the "normal" XBMC behavior. (last selected track/subtitle) ("Try to set the audio and/or subtitle track from the filename first" is still enabled).

I go to this movie in "files" mode , not via the movies library. (videos/files/dir and file). Makes maybe a difference?

This is tested on a stock XBMC, only standard addons, the only non-standard addon is LPM. Standard skin is used.

In any case, this feature I like very much, thank you.

If I need to test/do somethimg else to help you, just ask...
Add-on : Bluray iso utils Rewrite of BR_iso_enhancements
Add-on : BR_iso_Enhancements Give theatrical & directors cut from the same bluray iso each their own library entry, use bluray iso's of tv shows as if they are already ripped.
It would be great if you could upload a debug log debug (wiki) (enable debug log in xbmc and in the addon, restart xbmc and repeat your steps mentioned above).
Hello ace2022

Thanks for great addon, here translation for Portuguese (Brazil),


Great job.

MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
Very cool, thanks!
(2013-02-21, 14:42)ace20022 Wrote: It would be great if you could upload a debug log debug (wiki) (enable debug log in xbmc and in the addon, restart xbmc and repeat your steps mentioned above).

Debug log with XBMC-log_1 . Start of XBMC and enable all LPM settings ("enable LPM", "turn on subtitles", "match file names", also audio prefs (gets german) and sub prefs (gets also german)).

This gets me german subs and audio, should be french (audio 4, sub 4).

XBMC-log_2 disabled audio and subs prefs, gives me englisch audio and englisch subs.

Hope this helps. Let me know if I have to test some more...
Add-on : Bluray iso utils Rewrite of BR_iso_enhancements
Add-on : BR_iso_Enhancements Give theatrical & directors cut from the same bluray iso each their own library entry, use bluray iso's of tv shows as if they are already ripped.

Dutch translation here https://www.dropbox.com/s/h2yxabu8rdc5a7k/strings.xml
@schumi2004 thanks a lot!

@Wimpie thanks!
log 1: the track selection works:
DEBUG: [Language Preference Manager]: filename: audio: 4, sub: 4 (bluray://udf%3a%2f%2fW%253a%255cTe%2520testen%255cBig%2520Country%252c%2520The%2520(1958)%255cBig%2520Country%252c%2520The%2520(1958).BluRay.audiostream_4.subtitle_4.iso%2f/BDMV/PLAYLIST/00000.mpls)

NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 5 source: 256
Not sure that this is correct at the moment, have to debug it (it's possible that audio track 4 is the 5th track if the video tack is the 1st)
For subs its:
INFO: [Language Preference Manager]: Filename preference: Match, selecting subtitle track 4
DEBUG: [Language Preference Manager]: Subtitle: enabling subs
NOTICE: Closing subtitle stream
NOTICE: Opening Subtitle stream: 11 source: 256

Maybe there are problems with blurays, and if very like also with dvds, since audio/subs selection is working a bit different, e.g., language from menu.
I'll have to investigate this.

However looking at the jsonrpc response (line 1783) audio track 4 and sub 4 is german whereas french is audio track 2 and subs 2 and 11.


Tracks from file name is only evaluated if at least one preference is enabled, I will change that.

I'm afraid I can't promise a date for the fix(es).
(2013-02-22, 11:45)ace20022 Wrote: I'm afraid I can't promise a date for the fix(es).

Take your time. Last week real life also had me quite busy.

Again, thanks for this great addon!
Add-on : Bluray iso utils Rewrite of BR_iso_enhancements
Add-on : BR_iso_Enhancements Give theatrical & directors cut from the same bluray iso each their own library entry, use bluray iso's of tv shows as if they are already ripped.
Version 0.0.3 released! Check the first post for the changelog and link.
The custom preferences are meant to be the first step towards preferences per genre, particularly with regard to children's genres.

@Wimpie tracks per file name works for me with blurays. For dvds only if the movie is resumed, as mentioned before because of the menu.

Quote:However looking at the jsonrpc response (line 1783) audio track 4 and sub 4 is german whereas french is audio track 2 and subs 2 and 11

Are you sure you specified the correct tracks in the file name? XBMC states that French is track 2 not 4.

It works!

When I started the movie with filename 4 & 4 I get the german audio/subtitle. When I then exit XBMC and renamed the blu-ray iso to 2 & 2 I get french subs and audio.

I then changed the filename to audio 0 (englisch) and subs 7 (dutch) and it used those. I watched a little and changed from within XBMC to audio german and subs german. Watched a little more and then closed XBMC. I later reopend XBMC and watched the movie. The audio was englisch with dutch subs. Perfect! LPM settings override XBMC's, just as it should.

Thanks very much! This makes XBMC pefect for me.
Add-on : Bluray iso utils Rewrite of BR_iso_enhancements
Add-on : BR_iso_Enhancements Give theatrical & directors cut from the same bluray iso each their own library entry, use bluray iso's of tv shows as if they are already ripped.

Small user interface request:

Could you change the code so that the first audio/sub track is number 1 (now it's number 0) (used for the filename).

Would solve lots of misunderstandings if people can use the same track number with LPM and within XBMC. After all, you first look in XBMC to see what number the audio/sub track has that you are interested in.

Add-on : Bluray iso utils Rewrite of BR_iso_enhancements
Add-on : BR_iso_Enhancements Give theatrical & directors cut from the same bluray iso each their own library entry, use bluray iso's of tv shows as if they are already ripped.
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[Release] Language Preference Manager2
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