mysql database issue in Frodo, fine in Eden
Everything was working fine on my multiple machine with single MySQL video database setup with Eden this afternoon.

I upgraded one machine to Frodo, launched it, thought Frodo had frozen on startup because it appeared to freeze at the startup screen for around 2 minutes, ctrl-alt-del it, and restarted Frodo. This time it started, but no video library with loaded.

I checked the log and found this:
00:38:31 T:5288 NOTICE: Running database version Addons15
00:38:31 T:5288 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes4
00:38:31 T:5288 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13
00:38:31 T:5288 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic32
00:38:31 T:5288 NOTICE: Attempting to update the database MyVideos75 from version 60 to 75
00:38:31 T:5288 ERROR: SQL: Undefined MySQL error: Code (1060)
Query: ALTER TABLE path ADD dateAdded text
00:38:31 T:5288 ERROR: Exception updating database MyVideos75 from version 60 to 75
00:38:31 T:5288 ERROR: Error updating database MyVideos75 from version 60 to 75
00:38:31 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos74 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos74')
00:38:31 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos73 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos73')
00:38:31 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos72 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos72')
00:38:31 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos71 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos71')
00:38:31 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos70 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos70')
00:38:31 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos69 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos69')
00:38:31 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos68 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos68')
00:38:32 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos67 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos67')
00:38:32 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos66 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos66')
00:38:32 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos65 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos65')
00:38:32 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos64 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos64')
00:38:32 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos63 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos63')
00:38:32 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos62 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos62')
00:38:32 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos61 [1049](Unknown database 'myvideos61')
00:38:32 T:5288 NOTICE: Old database found - updating from version 60 to 75
00:38:32 T:5288 ERROR: SQL: Can't create database for copy: 'MyVideos60' (1007)
00:38:32 T:5288 ERROR: Unable to copy old database MyVideos60 to new version MyVideos75
00:38:32 T:5288 NOTICE: Running database version TV22
00:38:32 T:5288 NOTICE: Running database version Epg7

I am guessing it means my old database was MyVideos60, and Frodo is trying to convert it to MyVideos75 without success. I don't know why MyVideos61 to 74 were skipped (is this a MySQL database revision thing or an arbitrary XBMC thing?) in the conversion/naming.

I downgraded back to Eden, and the database loads fine.

Please tell me how to proceed to Frodo again.

I read you need to "drop" the new database? Is that the complete solution? Drop the new incomplete db and start Frodo again?

Does dropping mean deleting? I assume the old db MyVideos60 is still intact and unaffected if I drop the problematic MyVideos75?

You need to drop the new, half-formed MyVideos75 database so XBMC can re-create it, then load Frodo and be patient and everything should be fine. Your existing Eden database (MyVideos60) is unaffected and you still need it, so don't drop it!

"Drop" does just mean delete, although your MySQL client should call the command "Drop." The number at the end of the database name seems to be an XBMC database revision number.

I spent about 2 hours staring at errors like this last night (an outdated MySQL version on a NAS would not accept some of the commands in the Frodo update).

Good luck!
I was having the same problem.
In Frodo it seems that you don't have to manually create a database anymore, it will do it automatically.

My solution was:

1) Do a export of your library in Eden:
- Setting / Video / Library --> export

2) Delete your current sql tables, example:
- mysql> drop database xbmc_video;
Query OK, XXX rows affected (0.0X sec)

3) upgrade to Frodo

4) Do a import of your library in Eden:
- Setting / Video / Library --> import

XBMC will use the table name in the "advancedsettings.xml" and add a 75 after it. I imagine this number will change with time and version of xbmc.
Wait for the import to finish, if you have a big library it could be "not responding" but let it run.

Optional steps:

5)Then check your newly created tables :

mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| test |
| xbmc_music32 |
| xbmc_video75 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

6) check how many movies by selecting the
- mysql> select count(*) from;
| count(*) |
| XXX |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

7) 6) check how many series by selecting the databasename.tvshow
- mysql> select count(*) from xbmc_video75.tvshow;
| count(*) |
| XX |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I'm now in Frodo synchronize over my different devices.
Thanks for the help guys. I deleted the new db and tried again. This time, XBMC just crashed. I probably need to try your method, Plasmon. I decided to stay on Eden for now. Too much trouble and not much benefit...

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mysql database issue in Frodo, fine in Eden0