Solved [XBMCbuntu] XBMC crashes immediately upon start.
You can tell apt to hold a version and keep it, do some googleing.

(2013-02-03, 04:00)john.doe Wrote: SOLUTION by uNiversal

If you have a legacy AMD card, you must use xbmcbuntu-12.00-beta1-repack.iso instead of the latest.

You can find it here:

Once you've completed the install process, you must do the following:

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties pkg-config
sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository  ppa:wsnipex/xbmc-xvba-frodo
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xbmc xbmc-bin

Then you should be good to go!

Thread was over right about there....

Maybe with a follow up link to google.

Just started using linux 6 or so months ago. There is no better OS in this world right now.

The only way to make progress learning linux is to spend hours and hours trying different solutions and possibly destroying a few installations completely. It is an exceptional skill to have.

I am amazed with the support given by john.doe and uNi in this thread. among others.

Made an account just to thank you Smile
Your welcome for the part concerning me.

Its not everyday someone actually thanks you for anything let alone go through a process so as to say thanks.

So thank you!



I modified post Post 8 to now use the correct Frodo PPA, as the address of the PPA that was mentioned there is now being used for Gotham test builds.
It used to say wsnipex/xbmc-xvba instead of wsnipex/xbmc-xvba-frodo

I also changed the incorrectly called xbmc.bin to xbmc-bin
Wont let me delete my post
Thank you very much uNiversal, you post helped alot, just a heads up to anyone with a HD 5450 (not sure about other 5xxx series), this graphics card only worked for me when i used 12.00 beta1-repack. On wiki and forums there are contradicting ideas about weather it is a legacy card or not, when used with regular 12.3 Frodo iso (AMD Version) on install i got a Errno 5 Input/Output.

This worked perfectly;

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties pkg-config
sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wsnipex/xbmc-xvba
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xbmc xbmc-bin

Thanks Again uNiversal.

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[XBMCbuntu] XBMC crashes immediately upon start.6