Can a film be in two different moviesets?
Will it work if I add two nfo's to get a movie into two moviesets?

I want Freddy vs Jason to appear in both Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday 13th sets.
Nope - it only registers the one addition to the box set.
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...........I also accept disc requests if image not on database !!!!
So that should go to "feature requests" :-D

There are a few other cases... not many, but a few of them ("alien vs predator" movies, for example)

Although I suppose you could have the movie file more than once, in 2 folders (or more), each with its own nfo. To avoid wasting disk space, you could use file links in the filesystem. Both NTFS in windows and ext4 in linux, and many other filesystems, allow that. The ultimate solution for the truly perfectionist!!!! ;-)
multi-set support won't be put back. use a tag. it was a nightmare for the db queries.

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Can a film be in two different moviesets?0