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HOW-TO:Share libraries using MySQL: Wiki Edition

Wondered if you can help. I am having some issue with this.

I have installed MYSQL and completed the set up as stated in the WIKI. I have then set up the advancesettings.xml and copied this in to both my userdata folders (Win 8 & PI)

Initially, I exported my library out using multiple files and this saved all the info about my library to my central media share (NAS Drive being shared by SMB)

I then re-imported my library using the SMB option and it very quickly brought in all my files. The issue is that my Movie files are now showing as a folder under FILES and there are no thumbnails for any of my films.

If I go to MOVIES - instead of showing all my movies straight away (with thumbnails and art) it now goes to the videos option where is asks if I want to add source, and my MOVIES folder is there. If I go into that, I get all my movies but no thumbs. If I click on a movie there, it opens up the file structure of that films folder, and shows me the actual movie (.avi) and the NFO and thumbnail in there.

Not sure what I am doing wrong here?

I have the SQL installed on my main HTPC machine (
advancedsettings.xml (pointing to
Data on ( being shared with SMB

Any ideas? Sad
It sounds like that haven't been scanned back into the library.
(2013-02-25, 22:27)Ned Scott Wrote: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW..._libraries


In http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW...g_up_MySQL, the Arch Linux tab needs to be fixed, change:

3.To have it automatically launch at startup: sudo systemctl start mysqld.service


3.To have it automatically launch at startup: sudo systemctl enable mysqld

EDIT: Actually the "Arch Linux" tab is duplicating what you put in http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW...ySQL/ALARM with the exception of step 1 (sudo pacman -Syu mysql). Suggest merging the two together. By the way, Arch Linux and Alarm (Arch Linux ARM) are the same thing.
Kodi 17, Transparency Skin
PogoPlug v4 running Arm Linux 4.4.63 as MySQL (mariadb) server.
Mac OS 10.12.5
2015 27" iMac 3.3 GHz Quad, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD
2015 13" Macbook Pro, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD
AppleTV 4 TV OS 10
(2013-07-25, 20:22)winestock Wrote: Ned,

In http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW...g_up_MySQL, the Arch Linux tab needs to be fixed, change:

3.To have it automatically launch at startup: sudo systemctl start mysqld.service


3.To have it automatically launch at startup: sudo systemctl enable mysqld

EDIT: Actually the "Arch Linux" tab is duplicating what you put in http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW...ySQL/ALARM with the exception of step 1 (sudo pacman -Syu mysql). Suggest merging the two together. By the way, Arch Linux and Alarm (Arch Linux ARM) are the same thing.

Both pages updated. Does it look right?
(2013-07-25, 20:32)Ned Scott Wrote:
(2013-07-25, 20:22)winestock Wrote: Ned,

In http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW...g_up_MySQL, the Arch Linux tab needs to be fixed, change:

3.To have it automatically launch at startup: sudo systemctl start mysqld.service


3.To have it automatically launch at startup: sudo systemctl enable mysqld

EDIT: Actually the "Arch Linux" tab is duplicating what you put in http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW...ySQL/ALARM with the exception of step 1 (sudo pacman -Syu mysql). Suggest merging the two together. By the way, Arch Linux and Alarm (Arch Linux ARM) are the same thing.

Both pages updated. Does it look right?

I guess I am wondering why you need two pages for Arch Linux. Merging them together seems logical, at this point, since the information in them is duplicated. If you replace "sudo pacman -Syu mysql" with "sudo pacman -Syu mariadb" they're pretty much identical instructions. At the time I gave you the Pogo Plug Alarm instructions mariadb was not included in Arch Linux but now it is in the later releases, 3.9.x.
Kodi 17, Transparency Skin
PogoPlug v4 running Arm Linux 4.4.63 as MySQL (mariadb) server.
Mac OS 10.12.5
2015 27" iMac 3.3 GHz Quad, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD
2015 13" Macbook Pro, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD
AppleTV 4 TV OS 10
Ah, gotcha.
Really could use some help, been pulling my hair out trying to get this working properly.
Systems (A) & (B) are identical Revo 3610 / Openelec 3.0.6
Content is stored on two shares (TV & Movies) on an N36L server via OpenMediaVault ( / MySQL client version: 5.1.66

Here's how I set it up....

(1) Installed MySQL on OMV server via following guide, which also sets up xbmc user with correct permissions (http://bootlegninja.awardspace.com/xbmc-server/omvsql/)
(2) On system (A) which held the main library, exported library single files (saves files out to main shares)
(3) Updated the advancedsettings.xml on (a) to point to the mysql dbs, rebooted machine
(4) Added share for Movie content (using smb:// not smb://OMV/Movies) and let it scan. All movies added with viewing history maintained
(5) Booted (B) updated advancesetting.xml & shares as above, rebooted

System (A) works great, as before introducing MySQL, but although I can access the content on (B) - in all but a few cases the thumbnails don't show and navigation seems a little slower. Any ideas on how to solve this since spent loads of time getting nowhere
A debug log (wiki) may shed some light on your thumbnails problem.

Assuming your artwork paths are all accessible, it's most likely a case of your artwork being cached rather slowly by System (B).

You could simply copy the Textures13.db file and Thumbnails folder from (A) to (B), or failing that pre-load the cache on (B) with Texture Cache Maintenance utility.

However if (B) can't access your artwork files, then the debug log should reveal that.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Odd, I left a post here earlier and now I don't see it. Oh well.

I installed MySQL according to the wiki and everything seemed to go according to plan...well at least for my movies on my remote systems. My TV shows however do not show up properly. I can find them under VIDEOS|FILES but they don't have an entry on the main menu as they do on the main (host) system. I also now see a file (.actors) that doesn't show on the host system.

I am wondering if I need something else either in MySQL setup or advancedsettings.xml, either on the host or remote setup, to get the TV shows to display properly.

I am running XBMC 12.2 on both systems - W7 for the host and Android 4.1.2 for the remote. If a debug would help I can do that.

Thanks for any and all help.
Yes, post a debug log.
(2013-07-31, 00:27)Ned Scott Wrote: Yes, post a debug log.

Ned, I appreciate the help. Here's the log: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=40933

A more serious problem reared its ugly head as I was doing the debug. Apparently I wiped out my entire TV library when I tried to delete this mysterious file - TV show named "X - TV Series" screen shot enclosed. This has shown up a number of times and I have deleted it only to reappear. But there is never any actual file shown when it asks if I want to delete the file.

Well, last night when it asked and I didn't see any file associated with it, I decided to give it a try. Poof, there went my ~400 episodes for a dozen different series.


I took a couple more screen shots while doing the debug. If they're needed let me know.

Thanks for your help and interest.
Can you post another debug log while doing a library update/scan?
(2013-07-31, 03:37)Ned Scott Wrote: Can you post another debug log while doing a library update/scan?

I'll have to reload some of the TV series first. Give me 24hrs.
(2013-07-28, 19:34)MilhouseVH Wrote: A debug log (wiki) may shed some light on your thumbnails problem.
Assuming your artwork paths are all accessible, it's most likely a case of your artwork being cached rather slowly by System (B).
You could simply copy the Textures13.db file and Thumbnails folder from (A) to (B), or failing that pre-load the cache on (B) with Texture Cache Maintenance utility.
However if (B) can't access your artwork files, then the debug log should reveal that.
Hi Thanks for the response. Could not install XBMC Log updater for some reason, but pulled it off manually
That's not a debug log, and please use xbmclogs.com or pastebin.com - the service you have used mangles the text and uses proportional fonts which make it harder to follow.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
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