A few general linux/XBMCbuntu questions
I'm very new to linux

1) I couldn't find my storage drive in XBMC when I was adding sources. So I exited XBMC, and went into the regular ubuntu desktop. I located my hard drive in the file explorer just fine (all I did was access it).. and when I went back into XBMC, suddenly my drive was visible in the list. When I rebooted the computer, it was missing from XBMC again and I couldn't access any of my imported videos. How can I get my storage drive to stay visible?

2) Ever since I went to the regular ubuntu desktop, that is now the default thing when I reboot the system. Instead of opening up directly into XBMC, it goes to the desktop and I have to open XBMC manually. Not sure why that happened.. how can I get XBMC to load by default again?

3) I installed vino VNC server through the package manager thing.. it downloaded it as well as some dependency packages. But where is it? I can't find a shortcut to it or anything. Any tips on keeping that running 24/7? I don't have a keyboard or mouse plugged into my HTPC, nor do I have a spare.. so it's a pain to keep swapping them around.

Thanks in advance!
1) You have to mount the drive on boot. Google "mounting drive on boot". You will have to add an entry into your /etc/fstab file with whatever parameters makes sense for your particular drive.

2) http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=141672

3) Dont use vino, so can't help with that...
Thanks for the reply. As far as #2 goes.. I'm using XBMCbuntu, and it was preconfigured to automatically start directly into XBMC. It done in such a way that you have no idea there's an OS in the background because you never see it. The link you sent me seems to just be for autostarting an application in Linux. Do you know if that's the same technique XBMCbuntu natively uses?

All I did was exit XBMC and went to the desktop one time, and now the desktop is somehow the default screen every time I boot up.. instead of XBMC.
Log-out of XBMCbuntu desktop and, on the log-in screen, enter your username and password and select "XBMC" from the drop-down menu (instead of "XBMCbuntu"). Click Log-in and you should now boot into XBMC directly for this and future log-ins.
Vino should normally be running automatically in the background, you can check with the command "ps -e | grep vino". If it doesn't run "sudo /etc/init.d/vino start" or if that script doesn't exist type "vino" and press tab a few times to see what executables there are. I think there should be one called vino-server or something but like NoHesitation I haven't used Vino for quite some time.
Thanks guys, very helpful

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A few general linux/XBMCbuntu questions0