WIP [MOD] AEON NOX (all Versions) Colored Movie and TV-Show Icons and Mediaflags
hello friend neurosis 13.
thank you for your excellent work, I've been seeing the rounded country flag icons, and sensed an error in rounded country flag icons for why Portugal is the same flag that Brazil, you can not change it for the correct flag?

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RE: [MOD] Colored Movie Icons and Mediaflags for Aeon Nox - by HTPCAsus - 2013-03-06, 18:28
Re: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - by elnino-1900 - 2014-04-11, 02:38
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[MOD] AEON NOX (all Versions) Colored Movie and TV-Show Icons and Mediaflags19