WIP [MOD] AEON NOX (all Versions) Colored Movie and TV-Show Icons and Mediaflags
I just noticed I'm not getting language flags for Japanese audio tracks. I somehow fixed it when I was testing on my desktop initially, but now that I'm running it on my HTPC, they aren't showing up again. Anyone know how to fix this?

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out. You just have to make a copy of the Japanese flag in the addons\skin\media\flags\languages and rename it "jpn.png" (two exist by default, "jap.png" and "Japanese.png", they are identical so you can make a copy from either). If you use a build of Nox that has .xbt files instead of the uncompressed media like the Git versions have, you can enable the option for rounded flags in the colored icon mod. Just create a "jpn.png" in the flags folder you map to and you're good to go. The rounded flags method works always, regardless of what type of Nox build you are using. If you don't like rounded flags (I don't), just put square flags in the folder you point the mod to.

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Re: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - by elnino-1900 - 2014-04-11, 02:38
RE: [MOD] AEON NOX GOTHAM Colored Movie and TV-Show Icons and Mediaflags - by Surlias - 2014-05-25, 05:44
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[MOD] AEON NOX (all Versions) Colored Movie and TV-Show Icons and Mediaflags19