Thanks for the PM. I've just pushed an update to, you'll need to download it again (v0.2.4 - it's mentioned near the top of the source code).
From the information you sent me, I don't see the script finding your *-poster.jpg artwork, but as it was only a snippet maybe the movie details you sent me didn't have the new *-poster.jpg artwork.
Anyway, what follows is a description of what you should be seeing, using a variation of the data you sent me...
Assuming you've got a movie in your library with the following artwork:
$ cat movies.dat
"art": {
"poster": "image://nfs://\u00fcdaz (2012)/poster.jpg/",
"fanart": "image://nfs://\u00fcdaz (2012)/fanart.jpg/"
"file": "nfs://\u00fcdaz (2012)/Blutzbr\u00fcdaz Trailer (2012).mkv",
"label": "Blutzbr\u00fcdaz",
"movieid": 225,
"title": "Blutzbr\u00fcdaz"
And you've got the following new *-poster.jpg/*-fanart.jpg artwork for this movie:
$ ls -la "/freenas/media/Test/Blutzbrüdaz (2012)"
total 561
drwxrwxr-x 2 neil neil 5 Nov 28 14:26 .
drwxrwxr-x 4 neil neil 4 Nov 28 14:23 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 neil neil 163323 Nov 13 19:51 Blutzbrüdaz Trailer (2012)-fanart.jpg
-rw-rw-r-- 1 neil neil 0 Nov 28 14:23 Blutzbrüdaz Trailer (2012).mkv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 neil neil 146400 Nov 13 19:51 Blutzbrüdaz Trailer (2012)-poster.jpg
Then you should be seeing something very similar to what follows when running
$ cat movies.dat | tools/ --local /freenas/media --prefix nfs:// --artwork poster fanart --readonly --verbose --output changes.dat
Current configuration:
Local Path : /freenas/media/
Alt Local : Not specified
XBMC Path : nfs://
Read Only : Yes
Dry Run : No
Single Folder : No
Artwork : poster as poster.[png,jpg]
fanart as fanart.[png,jpg]
Checking : Not Specified
##DEBUG## mediatype [movie]; mediatitle [Blutzbrüdaz]
##DEBUG## mediafile is [nfs://üdaz (2012)/Blutzbrüdaz Trailer (2012).mkv]
##DEBUG## local root name would be [/freenas/media/Test/Blutzbrüdaz (2012)/Blutzbrüdaz Trailer (2012)]
##DEBUG## artwork type [poster] known by XBMC as [nfs://üdaz (2012)/poster.jpg]
##DEBUG## [poster ] Found pre-existing local file: /freenas/media/Test/Blutzbrüdaz (2012)/Blutzbrüdaz Trailer (2012)-poster.jpg
##DEBUG## [poster ] Converting local filename to XBMC path: nfs://üdaz (2012)/Blutzbrüdaz Trailer (2012)-poster.jpg
##DEBUG## [poster ] Changing library value to: nfs://üdaz (2012)/Blutzbrüdaz Trailer (2012)-poster.jpg
##DEBUG## artwork type [fanart] known by XBMC as [nfs://üdaz (2012)/fanart.jpg]
##DEBUG## [fanart ] Found pre-existing local file: /freenas/media/Test/Blutzbrüdaz (2012)/Blutzbrüdaz Trailer (2012)-fanart.jpg
##DEBUG## [fanart ] Converting local filename to XBMC path: nfs://üdaz (2012)/Blutzbrüdaz Trailer (2012)-fanart.jpg
##DEBUG## [fanart ] Changing library value to: nfs://üdaz (2012)/Blutzbrüdaz Trailer (2012)-fanart.jpg
If you're not seeing the script detect your new fanart ("Changing library value to:" etc.) then there's a problem (paste me the debug and the contents of the movie folder).
Note that I neglected to mention you will need the "--output changes.dat" argument passed to to create the changes.dat file. In changes.dat, you should now have...
"items": {
"art.poster": "nfs://\u00fcdaz (2012)/Blutzbr\u00fcdaz Trailer (2012)-poster.jpg",
"art.fanart": "nfs://\u00fcdaz (2012)/Blutzbr\u00fcdaz Trailer (2012)-fanart.jpg"
"libraryid": 225,
"type": "movie",
"title": "Blutzbr\u00fcdaz"
which when fed into " set" will update the movie with the new artwork filenames.