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[RELEASE] Texture Cache Maintenance utility
The only other possibility - which is why a log would have been useful, as it shows the config - is that you've configured the script to read the SQLite database and Thumbnails folders directly (by setting userdata=/some/mounted/path and dbjson=no), then executed cache updates against a remote Kodi client (xbmc.host) that is using a *different* userdata folder, so the Kodi client updates it's userdata details but the userdata details being used by the script are never updated. So next time you run the script, it looks like nothing has been cached.

Remember, it's Kodi that adds newly cached information to the Textures13.db and Thumbnails folders, not the script.

I'm not really sure what "docker" is or what you are running when you say "headless" - you could be using the Kodi "minified" server, or a regular Kodi build just being run headless, or maybe something like OpenELEC on a headless R-Pi (the latter definitely works).
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
For reference this is the exact version I am running:


My config file could not be much simpler

webserver.username = xbmc
webserver.password = xbmc
qaperiod = 30

I am deliberately being vague as I dont want to steal any of your time until I have done the grunt work my end to ensure it is not a PEBKAC issue.

I will look specifcially at the userdata folder idea in the morning as I think its unusually set to "/opt/kodi-server/share/kodi/portable_data..."
Having problems getting your TV shows recognized?

Try my extra TV show matching REGEX here
If it's Helix based, check it supports the JSON Textures API - availability of this API is logged in the texturecache.py log. If it's not available, dbjson will default to "no" and you could then experience the behaviour above if the script is reading one database while the client is updating another.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Hi Milhouse.

Excelent utility, thanks a lot.

Could you please tell me wich are the recommended steps to properly configure for my HTPCs ?

I have two HTPCs with KODI (Windows 8.1 and OSX Yosemite). Both are sharing the library with MySQL (located on a NAS), and also they are sharing the same Thumbnails Folder (located in this path smb://

I´d like to start from scrach, deleting the Thumbnails Folder (the NAS one) and the Textures13.db file from both HTPCs, to then launch you tool from the main HTPC (Windows) and finally copy the Textures13.db file to the secondary HTPC.

How do I have configure the texturecache.cfg?

Currently i´ve set only this values;

webserver.username = xxxxx
webserver.password = xxxxx

Do I need to modify the "#thumbnails = Thumbnails/" line?

If I delete this Thumbnail's folder, does all images get cachedon this folder, or just only the Textures13.db file?

All movies have their artwork on their own folder


The thumbnails property isn't required when preloading the cache of Kodi 14+ - the script will use JSON to access the thumbnails folder. The images will be cached into whatever folder the Kodi client is configured to use.

Sharing thumbnails isn't supported or recommended, so please don't look for support here when you begin to experience problems, as you inevitably will. You'd be better off just preloading the local cache of each client - better performance, and no problems.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Thanks Milhouse.

I don´t know that sharing thumbnails wasn´t supported or recommended.

I followed your recommendation and each client have local cache.

With texturecache.py c

Caching artwork: 0 items remaining of 72 (qs: 0, qm: 0), 72 errors, 0 threads active (00.97 downloads per second, ETA: 00:00:00)  

The following items could not be downloaded:

[fanart    ] [Desafío total                           ] smb://ío total (2012)/Desafío total (2012)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Capitán América: El soldado de invierno ] smb://án América El soldado de invierno (2014)/Capitán América El soldado de invierno (2014)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [El caballero oscuro: La leyenda renace  ] smb:// caballero Oscuro La leyenda renace (2012)/El caballero Oscuro La leyenda renace (2012)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [El Hobbit: La desolación de Smaug       ] smb:// Hobbit La desolación de Smaug (2013)/El Hobbit La desolación de Smaug (2013)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [El Hobbit: Un viaje inesperado          ] smb:// Hobbit Un viaje inesperado (2012)/El Hobbit Un viaje inesperado (2012)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Epic: El mundo secreto                  ] smb:// El mundo secreto (2013)/Epic El mundo secreto (2013)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Frozen: El reino del hielo              ] smb:// El reino del hielo (2013)/Frozen El reino del hielo (2013)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Hombre lobo: La bestia entre nosotros   ] smb:// lobo La bestia entre nosotros (2012)/Hombre lobo La bestia entre nosotros (2012)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Hércules                                ] smb://ércules (2014)/Hércules (2014)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Hércules: El origen de la leyenda       ] smb://ércules El origen de la leyenda (2014)/Hércules El origen de la leyenda (2014)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Jack Ryan: Operacion sombra             ] smb:// Ryan Operacion sombra (2014)/Jack Ryan Operacion sombra (2014)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [La extraña vida de Timothy Green        ] smb:// extraña vida de Timothy Green (2012)/La extraña vida de Timothy Green (2012)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [La jungla: Un buen día para morir       ] smb:// jungla Un buen día para morir (2013)/La jungla Un buen día para morir (2013)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [La leyenda del samurái (47 Ronin)       ] smb:// leyenda del samurái (47 Ronin) (2013)/La leyenda del samurái (47 Ronin) (2013)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [La noche más oscura                     ] smb:// noche más oscura (2012)/La noche más oscura (2012)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Maléfica                                ] smb://éfica (2014)/Maléfica (2014)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Mandela, del mito al hombre             ] smb://, del mito al hombre (2013)/Mandela, del mito al hombre (2013)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Ninja Turtles                           ] smb:// Turtles (2014)/Ninja Turtles (2014)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Noé                                     ] smb://é (2014)/Noé (2014)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Objetivo: La Casa Blanca                ] smb:// La Casa Blanca (2013)/Objetivo La Casa Blanca (2013)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [R.I.P.D. Departamento de Policía Mortal ] smb:// Departamento de Policía Mortal (2013)/R.I.P.D. Departamento de Policía Mortal (2013)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Star Trek XII: En la oscuridad          ] smb:// Trek XII En la oscuridad (2013)/Star Trek XII En la oscuridad (2013)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [The Amazing Spider-Man 2: El poder de El] smb:// Amazing Spider-Man 2 El poder de Electro (2014)/The Amazing Spider-Man 2 El poder de Electro (2014)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Thor: El mundo oscuro                   ] smb:// El mundo oscuro (2013)/Thor El mundo oscuro (2013)-fanart.jpg
[poster    ] [Desafío total                           ] smb://ío total (2012)/Desafío total (2012)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Capitán América: El soldado de invierno ] smb://án América El soldado de invierno (2014)/Capitán América El soldado de invierno (2014)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [El Hobbit: La desolación de Smaug       ] smb:// Hobbit La desolación de Smaug (2013)/El Hobbit La desolación de Smaug (2013)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [El caballero oscuro: La leyenda renace  ] smb:// caballero Oscuro La leyenda renace (2012)/El caballero Oscuro La leyenda renace (2012)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Epic: El mundo secreto                  ] smb:// El mundo secreto (2013)/Epic El mundo secreto (2013)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [El Hobbit: Un viaje inesperado          ] smb:// Hobbit Un viaje inesperado (2012)/El Hobbit Un viaje inesperado (2012)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Hombre lobo: La bestia entre nosotros   ] smb:// lobo La bestia entre nosotros (2012)/Hombre lobo La bestia entre nosotros (2012)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Frozen: El reino del hielo              ] smb:// El reino del hielo (2013)/Frozen El reino del hielo (2013)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Hércules                                ] smb://ércules (2014)/Hércules (2014)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Hércules: El origen de la leyenda       ] smb://ércules El origen de la leyenda (2014)/Hércules El origen de la leyenda (2014)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Jack Ryan: Operacion sombra             ] smb:// Ryan Operacion sombra (2014)/Jack Ryan Operacion sombra (2014)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [La extraña vida de Timothy Green        ] smb:// extraña vida de Timothy Green (2012)/La extraña vida de Timothy Green (2012)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [La jungla: Un buen día para morir       ] smb:// jungla Un buen día para morir (2013)/La jungla Un buen día para morir (2013)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [La leyenda del samurái (47 Ronin)       ] smb:// leyenda del samurái (47 Ronin) (2013)/La leyenda del samurái (47 Ronin) (2013)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [La noche más oscura                     ] smb:// noche más oscura (2012)/La noche más oscura (2012)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Maléfica                                ] smb://éfica (2014)/Maléfica (2014)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Ninja Turtles                           ] smb:// Turtles (2014)/Ninja Turtles (2014)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Mandela, del mito al hombre             ] smb://, del mito al hombre (2013)/Mandela, del mito al hombre (2013)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Objetivo: La Casa Blanca                ] smb:// La Casa Blanca (2013)/Objetivo La Casa Blanca (2013)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Noé                                     ] smb://é (2014)/Noé (2014)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Star Trek XII: En la oscuridad          ] smb:// Trek XII En la oscuridad (2013)/Star Trek XII En la oscuridad (2013)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [R.I.P.D. Departamento de Policía Mortal ] smb:// Departamento de Policía Mortal (2013)/R.I.P.D. Departamento de Policía Mortal (2013)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Thor: El mundo oscuro                   ] smb:// El mundo oscuro (2013)/Thor El mundo oscuro (2013)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [The Amazing Spider-Man 2: El poder de El] smb:// Amazing Spider-Man 2 El poder de Electro (2014)/The Amazing Spider-Man 2 El poder de Electro (2014)-poster.jpg
[thumb     ] [Capitán América: El soldado de invierno ] smb://án América El soldado de invierno (2014)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Desafío total                           ] smb://ío total (2012)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [El caballero oscuro: La leyenda renace  ] smb:// caballero Oscuro La leyenda renace (2012)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [El Hobbit: La desolación de Smaug       ] smb:// Hobbit La desolación de Smaug (2013)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [El Hobbit: Un viaje inesperado          ] smb:// Hobbit Un viaje inesperado (2012)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Epic: El mundo secreto                  ] smb:// El mundo secreto (2013)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Frozen: El reino del hielo              ] smb:// El reino del hielo (2013)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Hércules                                ] smb://ércules (2014)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Jack Ryan: Operacion sombra             ] smb:// Ryan Operacion sombra (2014)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Hércules: El origen de la leyenda       ] smb://ércules El origen de la leyenda (2014)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [La extraña vida de Timothy Green        ] smb:// extraña vida de Timothy Green (2012)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [La jungla: Un buen día para morir       ] smb:// jungla Un buen día para morir (2013)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [La noche más oscura                     ] smb:// noche más oscura (2012)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [La leyenda del samurái (47 Ronin)       ] smb:// leyenda del samurái (47 Ronin) (2013)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Maléfica                                ] smb://éfica (2014)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Mandela, del mito al hombre             ] smb://, del mito al hombre (2013)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Ninja Turtles                           ] smb:// Turtles (2014)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Noé                                     ] smb://é (2014)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Objetivo: La Casa Blanca                ] smb:// La Casa Blanca (2013)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [R.I.P.D. Departamento de Policía Mortal ] smb:// Departamento de Policía Mortal (2013)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Star Trek XII: En la oscuridad          ] smb:// Trek XII En la oscuridad (2013)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [The Amazing Spider-Man 2: El poder de El] smb:// Amazing Spider-Man 2 El poder de Electro (2014)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Un plan perfecto                        ] smb:// plan perfecto (2012)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Thor: El mundo oscuro                   ] smb:// El mundo oscuro (2013)/thumb.jpg
Need to cache: [  fanart  ] for set: Capitán América - La Colección                    
Need to cache: [  poster  ] for set: Capitán América - La Colección
Need to cache: [  thumb   ] for set: Capitán América - La Colección
Need to cache: [  fanart  ] for set: El caballero oscuro - La colección
Need to cache: [  poster  ] for set: El caballero oscuro - La colección
Need to cache: [  thumb   ] for set: El caballero oscuro - La colección
Need to cache: [  fanart  ] for set: El Hobbit - La Colección
Need to cache: [  poster  ] for set: El Hobbit - La Colección
Need to cache: [  thumb   ] for set: El Hobbit - La Colección
Need to cache: [  fanart  ] for set: Jungla de cristal - La Colección
Need to cache: [  poster  ] for set: Jungla de cristal - La Colección
Need to cache: [  thumb   ] for set: Jungla de cristal - La Colección
Need to cache: [  fanart  ] for set: Star Trek: La realidad alternativa - La colección
Need to cache: [  poster  ] for set: Star Trek: La realidad alternativa - La colección
Need to cache: [  thumb   ] for set: Star Trek: La realidad alternativa - La colección

Caching artwork: 0 items remaining of 15 (qs: 0, qm: 0), 15 errors, 0 threads active (00.95 downloads per second, ETA: 00:00:00)

The following items could not be downloaded:

[fanart    ] [Capitán América - La Colección          ] smb://án América El soldado de invierno (2014)/Capitán América El soldado de invierno (2014)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [El caballero oscuro - La colección      ] smb:// caballero Oscuro La leyenda renace (2012)/El caballero Oscuro La leyenda renace (2012)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [El Hobbit - La Colección                ] smb:// Hobbit Un viaje inesperado (2012)/El Hobbit Un viaje inesperado (2012)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Jungla de cristal - La Colección        ] smb:// jungla Un buen día para morir (2013)/La jungla Un buen día para morir (2013)-fanart.jpg
[fanart    ] [Star Trek: La realidad alternativa - La ] smb:// Trek XII En la oscuridad (2013)/Star Trek XII En la oscuridad (2013)-fanart.jpg
[poster    ] [Capitán América - La Colección          ] smb://án América El soldado de invierno (2014)/Capitán América El soldado de invierno (2014)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [El Hobbit - La Colección                ] smb:// Hobbit Un viaje inesperado (2012)/El Hobbit Un viaje inesperado (2012)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [El caballero oscuro - La colección      ] smb:// caballero Oscuro La leyenda renace (2012)/El caballero Oscuro La leyenda renace (2012)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Jungla de cristal - La Colección        ] smb:// jungla Un buen día para morir (2013)/La jungla Un buen día para morir (2013)-poster.jpg
[poster    ] [Star Trek: La realidad alternativa - La ] smb:// Trek XII En la oscuridad (2013)/Star Trek XII En la oscuridad (2013)-poster.jpg
[thumb     ] [Capitán América - La Colección          ] smb://án América El soldado de invierno (2014)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [El caballero oscuro - La colección      ] smb:// caballero Oscuro La leyenda renace (2012)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [El Hobbit - La Colección                ] smb:// Hobbit Un viaje inesperado (2012)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Jungla de cristal - La Colección        ] smb:// jungla Un buen día para morir (2013)/thumb.jpg
[thumb     ] [Star Trek: La realidad alternativa - La ] smb:// Trek XII En la oscuridad (2013)/thumb.jpg
Cache pre-load activity summary for "addons/agenres/vgenres/pvr.tv/pvr.radio/albums/artists/movies/sets/tvshows":

              |    banner   |  extrafanart1|    fanart   |    poster   |    thumb    |  thumbnail  |    TOTAL    
Cached        |      -      |       -      |      1      |      -      |      -      |      1      |      2      
Deleted       |      -      |       -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      0      
Duplicate     |     169     |       -      |     175     |     169     |      2      |      15     |     530    
Error         |      -      |       -      |      29     |      29     |      29     |      -      |      87    
Ignored       |      -      |       -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      0      
Season-all    |      -      |       -      |      -      |      1      |      -      |      -      |      1      
Skipped       |      23     |       2      |     644     |     652     |     632     |     131     |     2084    
Undefined     |      -      |       -      |      81     |      -      |      -      |      50     |     131    
TOTAL         |     192     |       2      |     930     |     851     |     663     |     197     |     2835    
Download Time |      -      |       -      | 00:00:04.56 | 00:00:04.57 | 00:00:04.55 | 00:00:00.00 | 00:01:08.67

  Threads Used: 6
   Min/Avg/Max: 0.54 / 4.14 / 143.06

       Loading: 00:00:06.76
       Parsing: 00:00:00.13
     Comparing: 00:00:00.80
   Downloading: 00:01:11.21
TOTAL RUNTIME: 00:01:18.93

For the "unable to download" files, you'll need to check that the files still exist - for some reason Kodi is unable to access them. Look in the kodi.log for more details.

Either create the missing artwork files or resolve whatever is preventing Kodi from accessing the files, or update the media library with locations of new accessible artwork. Then update the cache one more time.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Thanks Milhouse.

All "unable to download" files exists and kodi log is clear, nothing about this files.

All this movies have special characteres in title like ":" or "á é í ó ú".


Not all of them (Ninja Turtles, Star Treck X II etc.). You can try uploading a logfile from the script, try "texturecache.py c sets @logfile=/tmp/tc.log" then upload the log to pastebin and I'll take a look, but it's Kodi that can't download these files, not the script.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
You were right , there was no picture on those folders. Sorry for my mistake.


I am running MovieLib on a Synology NAS (web server), I didn't have much troubles to get it working, sometimes I need to exit/reenter Kodi for the sync to happen, but it seems to work, and the output is great ! Super Job !

However, accessing the page is awfully slow, I have 1000 items (movies) in my database, and it usually takes 6-10 seconds for the page to be displayed. Any tips to make this faster ? Is there a way to "cache" the php generated html pages ? Should we expect speed-ups in future updates ?

Updating the movielib database is also very slow, but that's not really a concern.

thanks !
(2015-02-04, 18:55)ElCoyote Wrote: However, accessing the page is awfully slow, I have 1000 items (movies) in my database, and it usually takes 6-10 seconds for the page to be displayed. Any tips to make this faster ? Is there a way to "cache" the php generated html pages ? Should we expect speed-ups in future updates ?

Use a better/faster web browser? If all the artwork is cached by Kodi, then performance comes down to how quickly Kodi can serve the images over your network. Your browser should be caching images locally. Try a recent Kodi nightly that includes PR5573.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
few newbie qestions (dont get angry if already answered, couldn't find answers):

1. can i run multiple parameters on the same command? for example texturecache.py nc p xd
2. with c/nc commands, does the scripts downloads missing clearlogo from the interet or should i still use "artwork downloader"?
3. does "checkupdate" needed if "autoupdate" enabled?

1. No
2. It's not a scraper, so if you don't have the artwork already in your media library it's not going to add it - use Artwork Downloader or mklocal.py for that
3. Yes. autoupdate won't know there is a new version available if checkupdate is disabled.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
(2015-02-09, 16:00)Milhouse Wrote: 1. No
2. It's not a scraper, so if you don't have the artwork already in your media library it's not going to add it - use Artwork Downloader or mklocal.py for that
3. Yes. autoupdate won't know there is a new version available if checkupdate is disabled.

thanks for the quick answer,
trying mklocal right now...thanks
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[RELEASE] Texture Cache Maintenance utility17
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