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[RELEASE] Texture Cache Maintenance utility
(2013-12-31, 03:05)stuCONNERS Wrote: worked great, took your advice and added as a script instead, you dont how to add library(video) update to the script do you? that way i can add everything to 1 script instead after the reboot.

Thought there was a auto-library update addon for this type of thing?
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
running on pi, trying to optimize as much as possible
(2013-12-31, 03:22)vbat99 Wrote: Thought there was a auto-library update addon for this type of thing?

There is Library Watchdog - not sure if it works with the Raspberry Pi (edit: apparently it does) but it has been known to cause quite a few problems (certainly on Windows anyway).

Personally I prefer to monitor and manage my media files using scripts running on a headless R-Pi (plain Raspbian) then use the headless R-Pi to remotely update my XBMC clients whenever new media appears. I really wouldn't want my R-Pi XBMC clients polling for updates or otherwise wasting cycles checking for new media that isn't there, plus with this approach if you have a centralised MySQL you can pre-load the texture cache of all of your remote XBMC non-scraping clients once new media has been added to the centralised library (so far no addon available to do this).

Edit: There's also Library Auto Updater, wiki entry here, though since you've already got cron and set up I don't think its going to offer you any significant benefits.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Cheers milhouseVH worked a treat
Hopefully someone can help me. Script has been running great until I had to migrate my movies to a new drive in my nas. It wasn't working so I dropped the db and re-added it to xbmc. Ran AD and it started to download all arts, even ones I didn't want. Not sure why, but not solving it here. So I wanted to clean the db so I ran commands "p and c." Everything seems fine but I do not get images for logo or disc. I think it has to do with the naming, my fanart has a prefix of the movie but my logo and disc do not. I read a few pages back that it should work now with , but I still seem to have issues. Maybe this is why AD is downloading just fanart and posters without seeing my prefix art?

When I run " jd movies | tools/ --local smb://NAS-MEDIA:/Movies --prefix smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies --artwork fanart poster clearlogo disc --output" it seems to only do poster and fanart. When I do " jd "MovieName"", it only displays the video file, poster, and fanart. When running " s "MovieName"" it shows all the files, fanart, poster, extrathumbs, logo, and disc.

How can I get it to cache logo and disc art? Running artwork downloader doesn't work and downloads everything. If it matters they are named "logo.png" and "disc.png"
(2014-01-02, 21:51)shadrach47 Wrote: Maybe this is why AD is downloading just fanart and posters without seeing my prefix art?
AD doesn't support movie name prefixes. So it won't find them, but worse if you specify "use local files" and have multiple movies in each folder, AD will create a single artwork file (eg. logo.png) that will be used by all of the movies in the same folder.

(2014-01-02, 21:51)shadrach47 Wrote: When I run " jd movies | tools/ --local smb://NAS-MEDIA:/Movies --prefix smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies --artwork fanart poster clearlogo disc --output" it seems to only do poster and fanart.

Your --local path is wrong - it should be an OS path not an XBMC path (that's the point of the --local/--prefix arguments, so that the script can translate from XBMC to OS paths and back again).

The --local path should be something like "E:\Movies". Maybe it's a typo when creating this post as will abort with an error when provided with an invalid --local path.

Also, unless you wish to download remote artwork into the --local folder, you may want to specify --readonly.

And if your logo and discart doesn't have a movie name prefix, then you'll need to specify --singlefolders on the command line.

(2014-01-02, 21:51)shadrach47 Wrote: When running " s "MovieName"" it shows all the files, fanart, poster, extrathumbs, logo, and disc.

Not entirely sure how the logo and disc artwork would have made it into your cache unless they are previews? As for extrathumbs, they never appear in your movie library and will only be found by skins with extrathumbs support. If you want to pre-cache extrathumbs and extrafanart, add cache.extra=yes to your texturecache.cfg properties file (or include @cache.extra=yes on your command line when caching or pruning).

(2014-01-02, 21:51)shadrach47 Wrote: When I do " jd "MovieName"", it only displays the video file, poster, and fanart.
If you haven't used a movie-name prefix on your logo/discart artwork then you will need to specify --singlefolders so that knows to find artwork without a movie name prefix ("with prefix" is the default behaviour). Adding --singlefolders should successfully find artwork with a movie name prefix (fanart, poster) and artwork that doesn't (logo, discart etc.), just as long as you are using single folders for each movie.

(2014-01-02, 21:51)shadrach47 Wrote: How can I get it to cache logo and disc art? Running artwork downloader doesn't work and downloads everything. If it matters they are named "logo.png" and "disc.png"

Once is able to find the logo and discart, it will output the instructions that you can then feed into " set" which will assign the new artwork to your movies. Once your movie library is referencing the logo and discart (jd moviename etc.) you can preload the cache ©.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
(2014-01-02, 23:18)MilhouseVH Wrote:
(2014-01-02, 21:51)shadrach47 Wrote: Maybe this is why AD is downloading just fanart and posters without seeing my prefix art?
AD doesn't support movie name prefixes. So it won't find them, but worse if you specify "use local files" and have multiple movies in each folder, AD will create a single artwork file (eg. logo.png) that will be used by all of the movies in the same folder.

(2014-01-02, 21:51)shadrach47 Wrote: When I run " jd movies | tools/ --local smb://NAS-MEDIA:/Movies --prefix smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies --artwork fanart poster clearlogo disc --output" it seems to only do poster and fanart.

Your --local path is wrong - it should be an OS path not an XBMC path (that's the point of the --local/--prefix arguments, so that the script can translate from XBMC to OS paths and back again).

The --local path should be something like "E:\Movies". Maybe it's a typo when creating this post as will abort with an error when provided with an invalid --local path.

Also, unless you wish to download remote artwork into the --local folder, you may want to specify --readonly.

And if your logo and discart doesn't have a movie name prefix, then you'll need to specify --singlefolders on the command line.

(2014-01-02, 21:51)shadrach47 Wrote: When running " s "MovieName"" it shows all the files, fanart, poster, extrathumbs, logo, and disc.

Not entirely sure how the logo and disc artwork would have made it into your cache unless they are previews? As for extrathumbs, they never appear in your movie library and will only be found by skins with extrathumbs support. If you want to pre-cache extrathumbs and extrafanart, add cache.extra=yes to your texturecache.cfg properties file (or include @cache.extra=yes on your command line when caching or pruning).

(2014-01-02, 21:51)shadrach47 Wrote: When I do " jd "MovieName"", it only displays the video file, poster, and fanart.
If you haven't used a movie-name prefix on your logo/discart artwork then you will need to specify --singlefolders so that knows to find artwork without a movie name prefix ("with prefix" is the default behaviour). Adding --singlefolders should successfully find artwork with a movie name prefix (fanart, poster) and artwork that doesn't (logo, discart etc.), just as long as you are using single folders for each movie.

(2014-01-02, 21:51)shadrach47 Wrote: How can I get it to cache logo and disc art? Running artwork downloader doesn't work and downloads everything. If it matters they are named "logo.png" and "disc.png"

Once is able to find the logo and discart, it will output the instructions that you can then feed into " set" which will assign the new artwork to your movies. Once your movie library is referencing the logo and discart (jd moviename etc.) you can preload the cache ©.

Thanks for the help, that helps clear up some things. I thought I always used AD with prefix, maybe i didn't have it get poster or fanart, just the others. Anyway, when I run " jd movies | tools\ --readonly --singlefolders --local Y:/Movies --prefix smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies --artwork fanart poster clearlogo clearart --output"

The results I get is "NEEDED - poster - MovieName then the location of file and readonly enabled / NEEDED - fanart - MovieName then the location of file and readonly enabled" Nothing about logo or disc. When I run that command with only logo and disc, it returns with Progress 652 of 652.

So I'm still not sure if that command I'm running is correct? The output it shows seems like it needs the poster and fanart? I"m running this on Windows with mysql on my nas.
It sounds like the --local folder being processed doesn't contain any artwork at all and is thus "needed". Your --local path is still slightly wrong, as on Windows you should be specifying "Y:\Movies" (back slash not forward slash), so worth fixing that and trying again (Python usually fixes that kind of thing automatically).

If you add "--v" to the command line you'll get more detailed output of what is doing. If it's still not clear, upload the screen output (all of it, or a screenshot) and I can take a look.

Also, describe the contents of the movie folder that is it is being processed - the easiest way would be to upload the output from " directory smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/path/to/movie/folder" (ie. the SMB path for the directory that contains the movie file you are processing). This way I can correlate the output from -v with the folder and hopefully suggest the reason it's not working.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Just so you get an idea of how it should work... this is my system, processing a single movie (Zombieland), with all files in a single folder, which finds and assigns the locally stored logo and clearart images (only fanart and poster are initially assigned to the movie):

This is the movie as it initially exists in the media library - only fanart and poster artwork, both using "movie-name" prefix:
milhouse@nm-linux:~$ ./ jd movies zombieland
    "art": {
      "fanart": "image://nfs:// (2009)[BDRip]-fanart.jpg/",
      "poster": "image://nfs:// (2009)[BDRip]-poster.jpg/"
    "file": "nfs:// (2009)[BDRip].mkv",
    "label": "Zombieland",
    "movieid": 667,
    "title": "Zombieland"

These are the files in the single movie folder - ie. what XBMC can "see" by directly browsing the folder. Note the clearlogo and clearart artwork, not using movie-name prefix, which are not present in the media library:
milhouse@nm-linux:~$ ./ directory nfs://
FILE: nfs://
FILE: nfs://
FILE: nfs:// (2009)[BDRip]-fanart.jpg
FILE: nfs:// (2009)[BDRip]-poster.jpg
FILE: nfs:// (2009)[BDRip].mkv
FILE: nfs:// (2009)[BDRip].nfo will now scan the local folder and match the artwork it finds with what is specified by the movie library, making corrections as necessary (output at the end - in this case, the addition of clearlogo and clearart - which needs to be fed into " set"):
milhouse@nm-linux:~$ ./ jd movies zombieland | tools/ --readonly --singlefolders --local /freenas/media --prefix nfs:// --artwork fanart poster clearlogo clearart --output -v
Current configuration:

  Local Path    : /freenas/media/
  Alt Local     : Not specified
  XBMC Path     : nfs://
  Read Only     : Yes
  Dry Run       : No
  Single Folder : Yes

  Artwork       : fanart       as fanart.[png,jpg]
                  poster       as poster.[png,jpg]
                  clearlogo    as logo.[png,jpg]
                  clearart     as clearart.[png,jpg]

  Checking      : Not Specified

##DEBUG## mediatype [movie]; mediatitle [Zombieland]
##DEBUG##   mediafile is [nfs:// (2009)[BDRip].mkv]
##DEBUG##   local root name would be [/freenas/media/Video/MoviesHD/Zombieland/Zombieland (2009)[BDRip]]
##DEBUG##   artwork type [fanart] known by XBMC as [nfs:// (2009)[BDRip]-fanart.jpg]
##DEBUG##     [fanart    ] Found pre-existing local file:           /freenas/media/Video/MoviesHD/Zombieland/Zombieland (2009)[BDRip]-fanart.jpg
##DEBUG##     [fanart    ] Converting local filename to XBMC path:  nfs:// (2009)[BDRip]-fanart.jpg
##DEBUG##     [fanart    ] No library change required, keeping:     nfs:// (2009)[BDRip]-fanart.jpg
##DEBUG##   artwork type [poster] known by XBMC as [nfs:// (2009)[BDRip]-poster.jpg]
##DEBUG##     [poster    ] Found pre-existing local file:           /freenas/media/Video/MoviesHD/Zombieland/Zombieland (2009)[BDRip]-poster.jpg
##DEBUG##     [poster    ] Converting local filename to XBMC path:  nfs:// (2009)[BDRip]-poster.jpg
##DEBUG##     [poster    ] No library change required, keeping:     nfs:// (2009)[BDRip]-poster.jpg
##DEBUG##   artwork type [clearlogo] known by XBMC as [None]
##DEBUG##     [clearlogo ] Found pre-existing local file:           /freenas/media/Video/MoviesHD/Zombieland/logo.png
##DEBUG##     [clearlogo ] Converting local filename to XBMC path:  nfs://
##DEBUG##     [clearlogo ] Changing library value to:               nfs://
##DEBUG##   artwork type [clearart] known by XBMC as [None]
##DEBUG##     [clearart  ] Found pre-existing local file:           /freenas/media/Video/MoviesHD/Zombieland/clearart.png
##DEBUG##     [clearart  ] Converting local filename to XBMC path:  nfs://
##DEBUG##     [clearart  ] Changing library value to:               nfs://

    "items": {
      "art.clearart": "nfs://",
      "art.clearlogo": "nfs://"
    "libraryid": 667,
    "type": "movie",
    "title": "Zombieland"
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
So this is what I get only trying it on Zombieland, like you:

C:\Python27>python jd movies zombieland | python Tools/mklocal.p
y --readonly --singlefolders --local Y:\Movies --prefix smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies -
-artwork fanart poster clearlogo disc --output -v
Current configuration:

  Local Path    : Y:\Movies\
  Alt Local     : Not specified
  XBMC Path     : smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/
  Read Only     : Yes
  Dry Run       : No
  Single Folder : Yes

  Artwork       : fanart       as fanart.[png,jpg]
                  poster       as poster.[png,jpg]
                  clearlogo    as logo.[png,jpg]
                  disc         as disc.[png,jpg]

  Checking      : Not Specified

##DEBUG## mediatype [movie]; mediatitle [Zombieland]
##DEBUG##   mediafile is [smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/Zombieland.mp4]
##DEBUG##   local root name would be [Y:\Movies\Zombieland/Zombieland]
##DEBUG##   artwork type [fanart] known by XBMC as [smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombi
**  NEEDED  **  -   fanart   - Zombieland                                    [re
adonly enabled] smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/Zombieland-fanart.jpg
##DEBUG##     [fanart    ] No library change required, keeping:     smb://NAS-ME
##DEBUG##   artwork type [poster] known by XBMC as [smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombi
**  NEEDED  **  -   poster   - Zombieland                                    [re
adonly enabled] smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/Zombieland-poster.jpg
##DEBUG##     [poster    ] No library change required, keeping:     smb://NAS-ME
##DEBUG##   artwork type [clearlogo] known by XBMC as [smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zo
**  NEEDED  **  - clearlogo  - Zombieland                                    [re
adonly enabled] smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/logo.png
##DEBUG##     [clearlogo ] No library change required, keeping:     smb://NAS-ME
##DEBUG##   artwork type [disc] known by XBMC as [None]
##DEBUG##     [disc      ] No library change required, keeping:



I see some slashes that are not going the right way.

And for the directory:
C:\Python27>python directory smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland
DIR : smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/.actors
FILE: smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/Zombieland-fanart.jpg
FILE: smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/Zombieland-poster.jpg
FILE: smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/Zombieland.mp4
FILE: smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/Zombieland.nfo
FILE: smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/disc.png
DIR : smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/extrathumbs
FILE: smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/logo.png
FILE: smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/movie.xml

So I tried the same thing but for Y:\Movies but it came back with no directory listing available. It should work for mapped drives, right? I tried it for just C:\ and came back with no directory listing available. Also tried it with admin and still the same results. Could this be the issue?
OK right, this looks like a Windows/Unix mixup on my part... let me look at a fix... I don't use Windows much! Smile

Edit: Strangely, my test is working fine on Windows here - I'll work on a fix for the slashes but that doesn't seem to be the problem...

Edit2: Are you absolutely certain that "Y:\Movies\Zombieland" is the correct local directory with your Zombieland artwork? The PC you are running on needs to be able to access this artwork. From what I can tell, there is no local artwork.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
(2014-01-03, 02:44)MilhouseVH Wrote: OK right, this looks like a Windows/Unix mixup on my part... let me look at a fix... I don't use Windows much! Smile

Edit: Strangely, my test is working fine on Windows here - I'll work on a fix for the slashes but that doesn't seem to be the problem...

Edit2: Are you absolutely certain that "Y:\Movies\Zombieland" is the correct local directory with your Zombieland artwork? The PC you are running on needs to be able to access this artwork. From what I can tell, there is no local artwork.

Maybe I'm confused and doing all this for nothing, but technically no art is on my computer. I access it all from a mapped network drive. Could the issue be that it's just pulling the actual location and not the mapped one I set up? I also have a symlink for it in C:\ (was trying it for something else), but it probably would do the same thing. Maybe I'm not supposed to run mklocal, but I thought you need to if you need to fix wrong cache items, basically instead of re-adding the library to the db. My setup is: NAS holds all movies, art, and mysql db. With XBMC on Win8, Raspi, and XIOS box.
@shadrach47 - there's a new version of on github for a fix for the forward/backward slashes although I doubt that is the problem as Python tends to handle this already.

Can you confirm that you have a Zombieland folder in Y:\Movies and that it contains the artwork you think it does? Although you have shown me what XBCM can "see" with " directory", I'm sceptical that what XBMC is looking at is the same as Y:\Movies\Zombieland. Although you do have a valid local Y:\Movies path/folder, it may not contain a Zombieland folder in which case you will see the kind of output you are seeing.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
(2014-01-03, 03:16)MilhouseVH Wrote: @shadrach47 - there's a new version of on github for a fix for the forward/backward slashes although I doubt that is the problem as Python tends to handle this already.

Can you confirm that you have a Zombieland folder in Y:\Movies and that it contains the artwork you think it does? Although you have shown me what XBCM can "see" with " directory", I'm sceptical that what XBMC is looking at is the same as Y:\Movies\Zombieland. Although you do have a valid local Y:\Movies path/folder, it may not contain a Zombieland folder in which case you will see the kind of output you are seeing.

Just so I don't go crazy. The local and remote paths point to the same location? Because mine do, I only have one set of artwork but just access it from the mapped drive. Maybe it's a permissions issue with my NAS. Here's a shot of my Y:


Might of got it to work. When I tried the same command after your push your change, it now says " error: local DIRECTORY Y:\Movies\ does not exist!", like you said. So I tried my symlink, C:\Movies and I think it worked. Here are my results:

C:\Python27>python jd movies zombieland | python Tools/mklocal.p
y --readonly --singlefolders --local C:\Movies --prefix smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies -
-artwork fanart poster clearlogo clearart --output -v
Current configuration:

  Local Path    : C:\Movies\
  Alt Local     : Not specified
  XBMC Path     : smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/
  Read Only     : Yes
  Dry Run       : No
  Single Folder : Yes

  Artwork       : fanart       as fanart.[png,jpg]
                  poster       as poster.[png,jpg]
                  clearlogo    as logo.[png,jpg]
                  clearart     as clearart.[png,jpg]

  Checking      : Not Specified

##DEBUG## mediatype [movie]; mediatitle [Zombieland]
##DEBUG##   mediafile is [smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombieland/Zombieland.mp4]
##DEBUG##   local root name would be [C:\Movies\Zombieland\Zombieland]
##DEBUG##   artwork type [fanart] known by XBMC as [smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombi
##DEBUG##     [fanart    ] Found pre-existing local file:           C:\Movies\Zo
##DEBUG##     [fanart    ] Converting local filename to XBMC path:  smb://NAS-ME
##DEBUG##     [fanart    ] No library change required, keeping:     smb://NAS-ME
##DEBUG##   artwork type [poster] known by XBMC as [smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zombi
##DEBUG##     [poster    ] Found pre-existing local file:           C:\Movies\Zo
##DEBUG##     [poster    ] Converting local filename to XBMC path:  smb://NAS-ME
##DEBUG##     [poster    ] No library change required, keeping:     smb://NAS-ME
##DEBUG##   artwork type [clearlogo] known by XBMC as [smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies/Zo
##DEBUG##     [clearlogo ] Found pre-existing local file:           C:\Movies\Zo
##DEBUG##     [clearlogo ] Converting local filename to XBMC path:  smb://NAS-ME
##DEBUG##     [clearlogo ] No library change required, keeping:     smb://NAS-ME
##DEBUG##   artwork type [clearart] known by XBMC as [None]
##DEBUG##     [clearart  ] No library change required, keeping:
(2014-01-03, 03:15)shadrach47 Wrote: Maybe I'm confused and doing all this for nothing, but technically no art is on my computer.

LOL yes, that could be a problem... Smile

(2014-01-03, 03:15)shadrach47 Wrote: I access it all from a mapped network drive. Could the issue be that it's just pulling the actual location and not the mapped one I set up? I also have a symlink for it in C:\ (was trying it for something else), but it probably would do the same thing.

The computer you are running the script on must to be able to access (read) the artwork, that's what the --local path is for. Just specify a path for --local that allows the computer to access the artwork.

Your C:\ symlink may work, or a UNC, or simply a mapped drive - anything that can access the network location should work.

(2014-01-03, 03:15)shadrach47 Wrote: Maybe I'm not supposed to run mklocal, but I thought you need to if you need to fix wrong cache items
That's one use for it, to correct artwork. Or to convert remote artwork to local (in this case, will download the original artwork and write it into your local media folder, outputting the corrections that need to be applied to your media library). Or to associate non-standard already existing local artwork (clearlogo, clearart, discart etc.) with existing movies or tvshows (although AD will also perform this function, but not if you are using movie name prefixes).

If you just want to simply pre-load the cache on a client you don't need you only need works in conjunction with and is really intended to help quickly create or load non-standard artwork (ie. those artwork items not supported by the standard scrapers).

(2014-01-03, 03:15)shadrach47 Wrote: basically instead of re-adding the library to the db.
It's not going to create movies in the library if they don't exist, it's only going to associate artwork with existing movies. In that sense it's just replacing one of many addons that do that kind of job.

Obviously it's up to you if you want to continue down the route, but I should point out that you are trying to process an artwork type called "disc" when it should be called "discart" (which maps to files using the suffix disc). You can specify this as discart:disc (ie. artwork-type:filename-suffix) when specifying artwork, however the version of I just pushed (2 minutes ago) to github will now handle this automatically so just specify "--artwork discart" rather than "--artwork discart:disc".

(2014-01-03, 03:28)shadrach47 Wrote: So I tried my symlink, C:\Movies and I think it worked. Here are my results:

That looks better! Smile

If you now download from github the version of with the discart fix, you should be able to process (associate) your disc.png file by changing clearart to discart in the command line...

Then to apply the changes to your media library, pass the output from to " set" eg.
python jd movies zombieland | python Tools/ --readonly --singlefolders --local C:\Movies --prefix smb://NAS-MEDIA/Movies --artwork fanart poster clearlogo discart --output -v | python set
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
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[RELEASE] Texture Cache Maintenance utility17