After upgrading to 12.1 I can't stream my photos

After upgrading to 12.1 in my laptop running Ubuntu 12.04 I can't stream my photos via DLNA/upnp from my Android device (Sony Xperia S ICS 4.0.4 no rooted) to XBMC as I used to do before. My device finds XBMC and start the photo stream but in the laptop I get a black screen...

In the other hand, video streaming works as usual, perfectly.

Any idea what is going wrong?

Thank you very much and best regards!!
I attach my xbmc.log.

Best regards!!

I've realized that I have the same issue on my MacBook Pro running Lion, my device finds via upnp XBMC MacBook and start the photo stream but in the laptop I get a black screen...

Should I report a bug?

Thank you very much!!
I also get the same issue with photos not working just a blank screen but videos are fine.

I use raspbmc which has just had an update to the latest xbmc and a Sony xperia U for sending the photos although this issue pre-dates the update.
With the today's XBMC update, the 12.2, still the same... Blank screen when I stream photos and good performance when I stream videos from my Sony Xperia S...Sad


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After upgrading to 12.1 I can't stream my photos0